Word is the most popular word processing software today, allowing you to edit Word files on computers, laptops, or even mobile devices, tablets easily to complete your work quickly without constraints as before.
Guide to editing Word and formatting files on computers
While extremely convenient, not everyone is well-versed in Word, especially its Word tricks such as keyboard shortcuts on phones or tablets. There are numerous differences between the phone and computer versions of Word, including entirely different keyboard shortcuts. Therefore, in this article, Mytour will guide you on how to edit Word, format Word files with the most basic parameters so that you can edit Word not only on computers, laptops but also on phones.
Ways to edit word files and format word documents
1. Editing Word files on computers, laptops
First, get acquainted with editing Word on computers, laptops with Word 2013, 2016 versions. Both versions have similar interfaces, support the most features available today, and readers can separately download Word 2016 here or download the full Office 2016 version here.
Next to it is the Line Spacing tool with various instant settings and customizations suitable for your alignment needs.
Additionally, there's the function of Decrease Indent or Increase Indent to aid in report text formatting.
These are the two primary sections in Word editing on computers that you need to be familiar with. While the features may not be extensive, they are sufficient for basic usage or daily tasks.
2. Editing Word files on Android and iPhone devices
Step 1: The Word interface on Android and iPhone devices is optimized to support users in editing with utmost convenience. Upon opening the app, you'll immediately notice a user-friendly interface that also supports Vietnamese.
Note: The Word interface on Android and iPhone is identical, so we provide instructions for both.
Step 2: Next, we'll open an existing Word file on Android or iPhone. Apart from opening on the device, we can also search within the SD card or other services like Dropbox, OneDrive.
The mobile version of Word supports all formatting types just like Word 2016 on computers.
Step 3: As soon as you open the file, we embark on the journey of editing the Word file. To edit, you have 3 ways to do it as follows:
- Option 1: Click on the letter A with a pen icon above to edit the Word file.
- Option 2: Click on the text within the document, and the Word file editing interface will appear.
- Option 3: Click on the toolbar below to also reveal a Menu panel as shown on the right.
Right in the home section, we have basic functions like Highlight (text marking) or Font Color used to change the color of the text.
Step 4: Scrolling down, we'll find the clear formatting section, which will revert the text to its original state before any edits.
- Next is the font formatting where you can customize the font style for your document. Nowadays, Word on mobile supports various basic font types including both Unicode and non-Unicode ones.
- Directly below is the alignment section for content within the article with options like sequential numbering or bullet points 1, 2, 3, along with many other choices for you to explore.
- And scrolling down to the bottom is the section to realign the entire paragraph similar to Word 2016 on desktop, offering additional paragraph formatting options for you to try out. Of course, if you're not satisfied, simply press the undo arrow button above, which functions as the Undo command.
Step 5: Additionally, when clicking on the home section, six basic sections will appear including Home, Insert, Draw, Layout, Review, and View.
- Home: This section allows us to edit settings related to the text as mentioned above.
- Insert: Here is where you can insert tables, images, or various shapes in Word.
- Draw: This section allows us to freely use our hand or touchscreen pen to draw and color like a regular drawing tool.
- Layout: This is an equally important section in editing, helping to adjust Word file margins, justify margins, or layout within the document. However, you shouldn't set too much in this section because viewing on a phone sometimes differs from viewing on a computer.
- Review: Reviewing text, checking spelling errors or grammar mistakes. It also integrates smart lookup mode allowing you to search for some Word suggested topics, though this feature is not very useful for Vietnamese users.
- View: This section previews your text layout for printing, mobile, or custom page width.
Above are the basic information to help you edit Word files on both computers and mobile devices running Android, iPhone. For detailed instructions, we will guide you in the upcoming sections with more advanced features and specifics to help you enhance your document to be more professional, not only editing Word files on computers but also on mobile devices.
In a report document, creating horizontal lines in Word is crucial, often requiring this trick for those editing Word files on computers. So why not check out Mytour's guide on creating horizontal lines in Word, an article you shouldn't miss.
Furthermore, adjusting the spacing between letters in Word makes your document look more spacious and professional. If in an essay or project, the letters are stuck together or the lines are uneven, it will look awful, won't it? With the tutorial article adjusting letter spacing in Word previously shared by Mytour, hopefully adjusting the letter spacing in your Word file will make the text more professional and easier to read.