Embark on an epic journey with Fairy Tail - the game currently under development by Tencent, based on the famous manga series.


Frequently Asked Questions


What can players expect from the upcoming Fairy Tail game by Tencent?

Players can expect an immersive experience in the Fairy Tail game, staying true to the beloved manga series. The game features team-based, turn-based combat, allowing players to strategically assemble their squad and navigate Lucy Heartfilia's adventures alongside other iconic characters.

Which platforms will the Fairy Tail game be available on after its release?

The Fairy Tail game will be available on both iOS and Android operating systems. Tencent plans to launch it first in China before expanding to additional markets, ensuring a broad reach for fans worldwide.

Is the Fairy Tail game aligned with the original manga series narrative?

Yes, the Fairy Tail game is designed to seamlessly integrate story elements from the original manga series, providing players with a narrative experience that mirrors the adventures found within the pages of Fairy Tail.

How does the combat system work in the Fairy Tail mobile game?

The combat system in the Fairy Tail mobile game is turn-based and team-oriented. Players start by selecting a lead character and then strategically assemble a fighting squad to tackle various challenges and adventures throughout the game.