Establishing a Minecraft Server on Linux Ubuntu isn't entirely novel for Minecraft Server players. However, nowadays, there are numerous tools supporting server creation, making the process less prevalent. Furthermore, installing Minecraft Server on Linux Ubuntu alone can be challenging, let alone server creation. Therefore, this article is not intended for those who are new to Minecraft Server or Ubuntu. If possible, you should search and refer to the previous Mytour guide on installing Minecraft on Ubuntu and gradually get acquainted with Linux Ubuntu.
Create a Minecraft Server on Linux
Guide to Creating Minecraft Server on Linux
Note: Once again, let me remind you that creating a Minecraft Server on Linux is not a simple task. You need knowledge of server systems and proficiency in using Linux Ubuntu to execute this.
- Additionally, ensure you have Minecraft installed on your machine beforehand.
Step 1: On your Ubuntu, right-click on the desktop > choose Open Terminal, a tool that helps us forge Minecraft Server on Linux.
Step 2: Next, in the Terminal interface, we enter the command to add the Oracle Java Runtime PPA: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java.
And of course, entering the password is mandatory, note that the password will not be displayed anywhere.
Step 3: Next, we press Enter to continue adding the Oracle Java Runtime PPA.
This process will only take about 30 seconds, so continue entering the command after completion.
Step 4: After completing the run, we need to upgrade any apt in Ubuntu using the command sudo apt upgrade -y.
Step 5: After a successful update, proceed to enter the following 2 commands sequentially to install Oracle Java, pressing Enter after each.
- sudo apt install oracle-java9-installer
- sudo apt install oracle-java9-set-default
Step 6: Now, let's open Nano still on the Terminal interface with the command: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.
Step 7: Inside, we just need to add the following 2 lines at the bottom:
- deb trusty main
- deb-src trusty main
Step 8: After adding, remember to press Ctrl + O to save and Ctrl + X to exit. Then, add the PPA's software GPG key with the command:
- sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys EEA14886
- sudo apt-get update.
Step 9: Next, install Java for Ubuntu once again through the command:
- sudo apt-get install oracle-java9-installer
- sudo apt-get install oracle-java9-set-default
To finish, use the command echo oracle-java9-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | sudo /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections.
Step 10: Now, to create a Minecraft Server on Linux, we need to run one of the following commands (only run 1 of 3).
- sudo dnf jre-8u171-linux-x64.rpm.
- sudo yum jre-8u171-linux-x64.rpm.
- sudo zypper jre-8u171-linux-x64.rpm.
Almost done with creating the Minecraft Server on Linux, now open the Minecraft Server to proceed with the next steps.
Step 11: While the Minecraft Server is running, enter the following commands:
- mkdir -/Minecraft/server/
- mv -/Downloads/server.jar -/Minecraft/server/
Step 12: Set up the RAM and necessary parameters for the Minecraft Server.
- java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar -/Minecraft/server/server.jar nogui
Similarly, enter the following java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar -/Minecraft/server/server.jar.
Step 13: Finally, enter the command ip addr show | grep 192.168.1 to find the Local IP address, remember to open Port 25565 for the server to run.
Step 14: After completing the above steps, we have officially created the Minecraft Server on Linux Ubuntu. Your remaining task is to join the Minecraft Server you've just created.
Here is a guide on creating a Minecraft Server on Linux. Indeed, creating a Minecraft Server on Linux is no simple task, but if you manage to do it, you'll undoubtedly feel very satisfied with what you've accomplished. However, if it proves too challenging or time-consuming for you, why not try another solution, such as creating a server in Minecraft or Minecraft PE yourself? In essence, these two versions share the same creation method, and if you're interested, you can check out the guide on creating a server in Minecraft PE here.
- Explore more: How to create a server in Minecraft PE