In the previous article, Mytour compiled riddles about landmarks. In this post, we continue to share short and entertaining riddles for you, your loved ones, and friends to enjoy moments of hearty laughter.
Easy and Amusing Riddles
Engaging Short and Clever Riddles
Not only do fun riddles create a cheerful atmosphere, but they also stimulate brain activity and development, especially in children. Understanding this need, we have compiled some short and intriguing riddles that will help you find unique challenges to puzzle everyone.
Here are some intelligent and entertaining short riddles for you to explore:
Engaging Short and Clever Riddles
Engaging Short and Tricky Riddle #1: Which village is the most populous?
Engaging Short and Tricky Riddle #2: Can you guess which duck walks on two legs?
Engaging Short and Tricky Riddle #3: Everyone knows Mount Everest is the tallest in the world. So, before Everest was discovered, which mountain was the tallest in the world?
Engaging Short and Tricky Riddle #4: What can the left hand hold but the right hand can't?
Engaging Short and Witty Riddle #5: What hits dad, hits mom, hits brother, hits sister, hits me?
Engaging Short and Witty Riddle #6: What word do 100% of Vietnamese and American people pronounce incorrectly?
Engaging Short and Witty Riddle #7: Can you name a mouse that walks on two legs?
Engaging Short and Witty Riddle #8: After three years, the sun hasn't left my side. What am I?
Engaging Short Riddle #9: What creature doesn't crow but is still called a rooster?
Engaging Short Riddle #10: What is the most precious thing a son possesses?
Engaging Short Riddle #11: What do buyers know, sellers know, but users never know?
Smart and Concise Riddle #12: A glass filled with water to the brim. How can you take the water from the bottom without spilling any?
Clever and Concise Riddle #13: A group of mute mice passes by me. How many mice are in this group?
Interesting Short Riddle #14: Why do people close one eye when shooting a gun?
Thoughtful Short Riddle #15: What is the most crucial organ for women?
Curious Short Riddle #16: A red crab measuring 10 cm races against a green crab measuring 15 cm. Which one reaches the finish line first? (These two are of the same species)
Smart and Concise Riddle #17: What does Adam have two of that Eve has only one?
Intelligent Short Riddle #18: How many letter Cs are in the following sentence: 'I love eating rice, soup, and porridge!'
Thought-Provoking Short Riddle #19: Which mountain can be chopped into pieces?
Insightful Short Riddle #20: What type of refreshing drink contains iron and calcium?
Entertaining Short Riddle #21: When Beckham takes a penalty shot, where does he aim?
Clever Short Riddle #22: Prove that 4 : 3 equals 2.
Curious Short Riddle #23: What lies down when walking, stands up when lying down, but sits when standing up?
Amusing Short Riddle #24: What pants are the widest?
Engaging Short Riddle #25: What beats but dies if it's not beaten?
Interesting Short Riddle #26: Which road is the longest?
Thoughtful Short Riddle #27: What question can no one answer with 'Yes'?
Clever Short Riddle #28: There are three apples on the table, and you take two. How many apples do you have now?
Entertaining Short Riddle #29: How can a crab have ripe legs?
Clever Short Riddle #30: What is the largest number with only two digits?
Interesting Short Riddle #31: The only man in the world with... milk, who is he?
Amusing Short Riddle #32: What creature is more miserable than a giraffe with a sore throat?
Engaging Short Riddle #33: What does a cat have that no other animal has?
Challenging Short Riddle #34: It has a neck but no mouth. What is it?
Fascinating Short Riddle #35: The largest building in the world?
Curious Short Riddle #36: Who had the first mobile home?
Engaging Short Riddle #37: Nam's house has 4 siblings, with 3 adults named Spring, Summer, and Autumn. Can you guess the name of the youngest sibling?
Amusing Short Riddle #38: The zoo is on fire, what animal runs out first?
Entertaining Short Riddle #39: Which cat is extremely afraid of mice?
Curious Short Riddle #40: I always wear shoes to bed. Who am I?
Entertaining Short Riddle #41: Which dog jumps as high as the world's tallest building?
Amusing Short Riddle #42: Which month is the shortest in a year?
Challenging Short Riddle #43: Every year has 7 months with 31 days. How many months have 28 days?
Clever Short Riddle #44: What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and grey when you throw it away?
Clever Short Riddle #45: A glass filled with water, how do you take water from the bottom without spilling it outside?
Curious Short Riddle #46: Which question requires you to answer 'yes'?
Fascinating Short Riddle #47: Which Vietnamese word has nine letters 'h'?
Short Riddles with Answers
Answers to Fun Short Riddles
Answer to Short Riddle #1: Society
Answer to Short Riddle #2: Every duck except the one with a sore throat
Answer to Short Riddle #3: Everest
Engaging Short Riddle #4: Left hand
Entertaining Short Riddle #5: Toothbrush
Amusing Short Riddle #6: Wrong
Fun Short Riddle #7: Mickey
Interesting Short Riddle #8: The shadow
Amusing Short Riddle #9: Roosters and hens
Clever Short Riddle #10: Pearl
Engaging Short Riddle #11: Coffin
Smart Short Riddle #12: Use a straw
Clever Short Riddle #13: 24. Deafness is a damaged ear, and damaged ears are two types
Funny Short Riddle #14: Closing both eyes won't see the target to shoot
Interesting Short Riddle #15: Women's Union
Clever Short Riddle #16: The green crab, as the red crab has already been boiled
Amusing Short Riddle #17: The letter 'a'
Smart Short Riddle #18: 1 letter 'C,' in the word 'Rice'
Engaging Short Riddle #19: Thai Son
Clever Short Riddle #20: Cafe (Ca = Calcium, Fe = Iron)
Fun Short Riddle #21: Kick the ball
Smart Short Riddle #22: 4 : 3 means four divided by three, read backward it's eight divided by four = 8 : 4 = 2.
Interesting Short Riddle #23: Foot
Witty Short Riddle #24: Archipelago
Enjoyable Short Riddle #25: Heart
Engrossing Short Riddle #26: Life's path
Humorous Short Riddle #27: Are you dead yet?
Amusing Short Riddle #28: Pair of fruits
Entertaining Short Riddle #29: Boil
Fascinating Short Riddle #30: The largest two-digit number?
Intriguing Short Riddle #31: Mr. Longevity
Engaging Short Riddle #32: A cockroach with leg pain
Witty Short Riddle #33: The sound of laying eggs and a cat's offspring
Puzzling Brain Teaser #34: The garment
Challenging Brain Teaser #35: The government
Clever Short Riddle #36: Turtle, snail
Amusing Short Riddle #37: South
Entertaining Short Riddle #38: Human
Playful Short Riddle #39: Doraemon
Enjoyable Short Riddle #40: The horse
Witty Short Riddle #41: All species because the house doesn't know how to jump
Fascinating Short Riddle #42: March and April
Tricky Short Riddle #43: 12 months
Puzzling Brain Teaser #44: A block of coal
Amusing Short Riddle #45: Spell the word 'co'
Clever Short Riddle #46: Main
With these entertaining short riddles, you can provide amusement and stimulate mental development with your friends and family. Stay tuned for more delightful riddles. If you want to challenge everyone with some trickier ones, you can choose from the collection of difficult riddles available here.
Alongside entertaining short riddles, Mytour has curated a collection of math puzzles for teachers to incorporate enjoyable math challenges into their lessons. These math puzzles serve not only to make math lessons fun and meaningful but also to foster enhanced cognitive development among students in the classroom.