To help players understand more about the settings when playing Apex Legends, this article by Mytour will guide you through setting up Apex Legends including all aspects such as gameplay settings, video, audio, and shortcuts in Apex Legends.
Configuring Settings in Apex Legends
Setting Up Settings in Apex Legends
Step 1: On the interface of Apex Legends, players should pay attention to the upper right corner where the Settings icon is located for customization purposes.
Step 2: A smaller menu will appear, consisting of 2 sections: Setting and Exit to Desktop. Of course, to configure Settings in Apex Legends, selecting Setting is the obvious choice.
1. Configuring Gameplay in Apex Legends
- Interact Style: Choose how item information is displayed upon pickup, with 'Compact' being the simplest.
- Button Tips: Display explanatory notes about weapon information on the user interface.
- Convert Incoming Voice to Text Chat: Transform spoken words into text.Speak Text Chats Aloud
2. Setting Up Shortcuts in Apex Legends.
The shortcut settings in Apex Legends are divided into two sections: adjusting mouse sensitivity in-game and shortcuts within Apex Legends. Mytour has previously published a detailed article on this topic. Readers can refer to the Apex Legends shortcuts here.
3. Control Settings in Apex Legends
- Controller Layout: Set control with gamepad (see below).
- Stick Layout: Set movement with joystick.
- Interact/ Reload Button: Set interaction and reload.
- Crouch Button: Set crouching action as press or hold.
- Aim Button: Set aiming as hold or toggle.
- Sensitivity: Set rotation in Apex Legends.
- Sensitivity [ADS]: Set rotation in Apex Legends when aiming.
- Response Curve: Set balance between aiming and moving.
- Look Deadzone: Lock character's downward slide.
- Movement Deadzone: Lock character's movement view.
- Inverted Look: Change mouse pull direction up or down.
- Vibration: Vibration mode for controllers.
4. Configuration Settings in Apex Legends
The configuration settings in Apex Legends are divided into 2 separate sections: adjustments for the screen and detailed graphic tweaks within Apex Legends.
- Display Mode: Options include fullscreen, windowed, and borderless window modes.
- Aspect Ratio: Adjust your screen's aspect ratio.
- Resolution: Fine-tune resolution (Depends on aspect ratio settings).
- Field of View: Adjust your in-game field of vision.
- Color Blind Mode: Mode designed for color-blind players.
- Volumetric Lighting: Lighting effects in Apex Legends.
- Dynamic Spot Shadows: Dynamic shadows in Apex Legends.
- Model Detail: Detail level of characters in-game.
- Effects Detail: Detail level of effects in-game.
- Impact Marks: Detail level of impact marks in Apex Legends.
- Rag Dolls: Effects for character corpses in Apex Legends.
5. Sound Settings in Apex Legends.
- Master Volume: Adjust the main volume in Apex Legends.
- Voice Chat Record Mode: Team chat modes include push-to-talk and always on.
- Open Mic Record Threshold: Mic's speaking threshold level.
- Incoming Voice Chat Volume: Volume of voices incoming to you.
Mytour has completed the guide on setting up settings in Apex Legends. With these configurations, it will help those playing Apex Legends understand more about the game's settings when you're not fluent in English.
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