Toji no Miko is an RPG designed for iOS and Android platforms, with additional support for PC through popular emulators. Produced by Square Enix - a renowned gaming company in Japan and worldwide.
The full title of the game Toji no Miko is Toji no Miko: Kizamishi Issen no Tomoshibi, known in Japanese as 刀 使 ノ 巫女 刻 み し 一閃 の 燈火. Follow high school girls as they bravely combat evil demons to protect peace. They stand together to defeat the Aratama demons.
With its stunning graphics design, players will feel Toji no Miko's style as an action-packed combat game on a grand scale. The anime images of high school girls are delicately crafted by artists, exuding charm and allure.
The game falls into the RPG and storyline-based combat genre. Its mission system is incredibly diverse. Moreover, intense boss battles emphasizing fierce PvP action are a standout feature of Toji no Miko.
The number of registrations for Toji no Miko has surpassed 100,000. The release date of Toji no Miko by Square Enix is drawing near.