Zombie Saga Land is an incredibly charming and captivating anime series that revolves around the story of Sakura Minamoto. She is a high school student with dreams of becoming an idol. Unfortunately, in 2008, she faced a serious accident that led to her untimely death while submitting an audition application. Ten years later, Sakura, along with six other girls from different eras, undergoes a strange event: they are simultaneously resurrected and become zombies with painful memories of their past.
The endearing anime, Zombie Saga LandToradora!
- IMDb Rating: 8.2/10
- Duration: 25 episodes
- Release Year: 2018
- Soundtrack: Pre Prade, Silky Heart, Vanilla Salt, Love Countdown, I My
- Genre: Romantic comedy
- Production Studio: J.C.Staff
- Watch on: Youtube, various online streaming platforms…
This adorable animated anime follows Ryuuji Takasu, a second-year high school student known for his attractive appearance and gentle personality. However, he has sharp eyes that make others feel intimidated.
Due to this feature, Takasu believes it will be challenging to find a girlfriend or even a friend in his new class. However, his life begins to change when Takasu accidentally encounters Taiga Aisaka, a fellow classmate. Taiga possesses a much colder demeanor and is known by the nickname 'super-peculiar ferocious beast' of the school.
Discover the Wonderful World - Konosuba
- IMDb Rating: 8.2/10
- Episode Duration: 20 episodes + 2 OVA
- Release Years: Season 1, 2: 2016, 2017
- Soundtrack: Tomorrow, Fantastic Dreamer
- Genre: Comedy, Light-hearted, Romance
- Production Studio: Studio Deen
- Watch on: animevietsub.fan, various online streaming platforms
Konosuba is an adorable anime with a unique storyline revolving around Kazuma - an otaku boy. After an incident, Kazuma unexpectedly shifts to another world with special abilities. Aqua - a beautiful but seemingly 'useless' goddess, becomes his first companion. Kazuma's mission in this new world is to hunt and defeat the Demon King.
The Two-Faced Little Sister: Himouto! Umaru-chan
- IMDb Rating: 7.5/10
- Episode Duration: 12 episodes
- Release Years: Season 1, 2: 2015, 2017
- Soundtrack: Nimensei Ura Omote Life!, Kakushin-teki Metamarufōze!
- Genre: Slice of Life with Humor
- Production Studio: Doga Kobo
The animated anime depicts the daily life of Umaru, an adorable anime character. If at school, she is known for her beautiful, intelligent appearance and admired by many, at home, Umaru embodies a completely contrasting image.
Umaru's at-home version is a true-blue otaku, entirely dependent on her older brother. After school hours, she quickly changes into comfy pajamas and lounges on the bed all day to indulge in gaming and watching animations. The presence of her brother Taihei and the adorable friend Ebina brings richness and diversity to Umaru's life.
The Maids at the Hot Springs - Konohana Kitan
- IMDb Rating: 7.6/10
- Episode Duration: 12 episodes
- Release Year: 2017
- Soundtrack: Kokoro ni Tsubomi
- Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy, Supernatural
- Production Studio: Lerche
- Watch on: animevietsun.fan
When talking about the cutest anime, one cannot ignore Konohana Kitan. This work is an adaptation from the manga of the same name, created by Sakuya Amano. One day, Bikuni - Yuzu's guardian, takes her to a hotel called Konohanatei to start her working career. Under the guidance of manager Kiri, Yuzu participates in the training of new staff along with three colleagues, Satsuki, Natsume, and Ren. Hilarious and whimsical situations constantly unfold, promising delight and entertainment for the audience.
Excuse Me, Is This Seat Taken by a Bunny? - Is The Order A Rabbit?
- IMDb Rating: 7.8/10
- Episode Duration: 32 episodes
- Release Years: Season 1, 2: 2014, 2015; Season 3: 2020
- Soundtrack: No Poi!, Daydream Café, Tenkū Cafeteria
- Genre: Slice of Life with Humor
- Production Studio: Season 1: White Fox; Season 2: White Fox, Kinema Citrus; Season 3: Encourage Films
- Watch on: Various online streaming platforms
Is The Order A Rabbit? is an adorable Japanese anime where sweet friendships in school life unfold. With an intriguing title, the show captivates the audience with images of cute rabbits, symbolizing innocence and charm. The story revolves around Kokoa Hoto - a lively girl with the ability to make friends quickly. When she moves in with the Kafuu family and attends high school, Kokoa forms a special bond with Chino Kafuu - a shy, introverted girl and the granddaughter of the Rabbit House café owner.
Youthful Passion - Tsurezure Children
- IMDb Rating: 7.3/10
- Episode Duration: 12 episodes
- Release Year: 2017
- Genre: Romantic comedy
- Production Studio: NAS
This anime is an adaptation from the web manga of the same name by Toshiya Wakabayashi. The series focuses on the unique love stories of couples at a high school. The main character in the story is a boy who appears quite self-conscious and lacking confidence. In fact, he can't believe that the girl he has secretly liked for a long time has invited him on a date.
Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid - Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
- IMDb Rating: 7.7/10
- Episode Duration: 13 episodes
- Release Year: 2017
- Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy, Fantasy
- Soundtrack: Kobayashi – san Chi no Maid Dragon
- Production Studio: Kyoto Animation
The anime series depicts the tales between Kobayashi - an ordinary girl, and the dragon named Tohru. In a drunken stupor, Kobayashi accidentally 'picked up' Tohru. To express gratitude, Tohru decides to take on all household chores, allowing Kobayashi to focus on her work. Other friends also visit Kobayashi's house, creating a lively atmosphere. Kobayashi's dull life suddenly becomes dynamic and exciting.
Playful Cherry Blossoms - Sakura Trick
- IMDb Rating: 7.3/10
- Episode Duration: 12 episodes
- Release Year: 2014
- Genre: Yuri, Romantic Comedy, School
- Director: Ken'ichi Ishikura
- Watch on: Various online streaming platforms
One of the cutest anime series you should watch is Sakura Trick. Yuu and Haruka, best friends since middle school, make a pact to attend Misato High School together. In a small disagreement, Haruka expresses dissatisfaction and considers leaving. However, Yuu quickly stops her, keeps Haruka, and surprises her with an unexpected kiss. From that moment, their relationship undergoes noteworthy changes.
Earth Deity Internship - Kamisama Kiss
- IMDb Rating: 7.7/10
- Episode Duration: 12 episodes
- Release Year: 2012
- Genre: School, Romantic Comedy, Supernatural
- Director: Akitaro Daichi
- Soundtrack: Kamisama Onegai
- Production Studio: TMS Entertainment
Kamisama Kiss follows the life of Nanami Momozono, a young girl who faces hardships after losing her home due to her father's gambling debts. Nanami's fate takes a turn when she encounters Mikage, a peculiar man running away from a dog. Mikage kisses her forehead and promises to send his house to her. With no other option, Nanami decides to go to the house Mikage mentioned. However, she quickly discovers that it is actually a haunted shrine.
Here is an article sharing information about the cutest chibi Anime series suitable for both girls and boys. Choose one of these quality animated series right now. Hopefully, through this Mytour article, you will recharge your spirit after exhausting workdays and wish you the most enjoyable experiences.