Earth Day is known as a remarkable event every year, where the entire planet unites to protect the green, clean, and beautiful environment. In this article, we've compiled for you over 1000 Earth Day riddles with the best answers.

1. Overview of Earth Day
Earth Day is recognized as a day that allows each of us to easily understand and appreciate the immense value of the natural environment for our planet. It was established by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as a symposium and discussion on global environmental issues.
The first Earth Day was organized on April 22, 1970. Earth Day holds immense significance globally as a day when people around the world unite in awareness and action to protect the values of the global natural environment. It is like safeguarding the common home for all of us.

Earth Day is established to honor, cherish, and nurture our beautiful living planet. It's a day when, despite our busy schedules, people make a conscious effort to set aside personal tasks and engage in meaningful campaigns to protect the Earth and maintain a green, clean, and beautiful environment.
2. Best Earth Day Riddles with Answers
2.1 The Most Entertaining Earth Riddles
1. What is the largest ocean on Earth?
Answer: The Pacific Ocean
2. What are the names of the two primary metals in the Earth's core?
Answer: Iron and Nickel
3. Which place has a higher average temperature: the Earth's core or the surface of the Sun?
Answer: Equivalent temperatures
4. What is the molten rock inside a volcano called?
Answer: Magma
5. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world, located off the coast of which country?
Answer: Australia
6. The eras with dinosaurs are known as which three periods?
Answer: Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods
7. The Grand Canyon (USA) has a depth of over 3000m. True or false?
Answer: False, approximately 1500m deep
8. What is the deepest point in Earth's oceans called?
Answer: Mariana Trench
9. What color is Ruby typically?
Answer: Red
10. What is the name of the highest mountain on Earth?
Answer: Mount Everest
11. Is stalactite formed on limestone cave ceilings or does it grow from cave floors?
Answer: It forms on limestone cave ceilings
12. Which layer of Earth's atmosphere absorbs ultraviolet rays from the Sun?
Answer: Ozone Layer
13. What are the two primary elements forming the mass of the Earth?
Answer: Iron (32%) and Oxygen (30%)
14. What is the second most abundant gas in the atmosphere?
Answer: Oxygen (21%)

2.2 The Best Earth Day Riddles
1: Who is the founder of Earth Day?
Answer: Gaylord Nelson – a U.S. Senator and former governor of the state of Wisconsin.
2: The founder of Earth Day was a senator from which U.S. state?
Answer: The state of Wisconsin – a Midwestern state in the United States.
3: Who decided to make Earth Day the International Earth Day?
Answer: Denis Hayes. He served as the national coordinator in the United States in 1970.
4: On which date does Earth Day take place?
Answer: On the 22nd of April every year.
5: In which year was the first Earth Day organized?
Answer: In the year 1970.
6: How many people were aware of the first Earth Day?
Answer: Approximately 20 million people.
7: How many indigenous people currently live in forested areas worldwide?
Answer: Around 50 million.
8: Which book warned about the harmful effects of pesticides?
Answer: 'Silent Spring' by Rachel Carson. It became a bestseller immediately after its release.
9: Which Hollywood actor spoke to the public at Union Square in New York City on the first Earth Day?
Answer: It was actors Paul Newman and Ali MacGraw.
10: Which region on Earth produces 20% of the planet's oxygen?
Answer: The Amazon Rainforest (Brazil).
11: How many people in total attended the first Earth Day protest at Union Square in New York City?
Answer: Approximately 20,000 people.
12: Those opposing Earth Day and considering the first Earth Day celebration as just a day to honor whose 100th birthday?
Answer: Vladimir Lenin.
13: How many countries (as of now) have participated in Earth Day?
Answer: 192 countries.
14: Earth Day was established in response to the opposition of what?
Answer: The Vietnam War.
15: The first Earth Day laid the groundwork for the establishment of which government agency?
Answer: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
16: Which president established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?
Answer: Richard Nixon.
17: Which U.S. president, along with Gaylord Nelson, embarked on a conservation-themed tour covering multiple states?
Answer: President John F. Kennedy.
18: Besides establishing the EPA, U.S. President Nixon also signed which 1970 law inspired by the Earth Day movement?
Answer: The National Environmental Education Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the Clean Air Act.
19: In which year was the Clean Water Act passed?
Answer: In the year 1972.
20: What name did the United Nations adopt for Earth Day?
Answer: International Mother Earth Day.
21: Approximately how many people participate in Earth Day each year?
Answer: Around 1 billion people.
22: Where does the majority of the breathable air on Earth originate?
Answer: The Ocean.
23: Which astronaut carried plant seeds into space, and later those seeds were planted on Earth?
Answer: That was Stuart Roosa.
24: How many people does one tree produce enough oxygen for in a year?
Answer: Approximately 4 people/year.
25: Which president honored Gaylord Nelson with the Presidential Medal of Freedom?
Answer: President Bill Clinton.

26: In 2012, how many people in China rode bicycles to protest human carbon emissions and air pollution?
Answer: About 100,000 people.
27: In 1970, students at San Fernando State College presented what to represent future hunger that the planet would face if environmental protection measures were not enacted?
Answer: Rice and tea.
28: In 1970, students at Florida Institute of Technology organized a mock trial for what, accusing it of air pollution?
Answer: A Chevrolet car.
29: Gaylord Nelson – the advocate for Earth Day, proposed it after which disaster?
Answer: The Santa Barbara oil spill.
30: Who composed the Earth Day theme song?
Answer: Abhay Kumar with the song “Earth Anthem” first written in 2008 and later published in 2009. Abhay Kumar is a renowned Indian diplomat and poet.
This song celebrates the green planet and its marvelous nature. Abhay Kumar composed the anthem while in St. Petersburg, Russia. The primary inspiration behind this Earth anthem is the Sanskrit texts of Indian philosophy.
31: How many universities participated in the first Earth Day?
Answer: Approximately 1,500 universities.
32: Which singer embarked from New York City to Washington, D.C. on the first Earth Day?
Answer: Singer Pete Seeger.
33: Who conducted the “carbon-neutral” journey from Europe to the U.S. to raise awareness about climate change?
Answer: Greta Thunberg.
34: In Panama, which tree species with nearly 100 endangered varieties has been replanted in honor of Earth Day?
Answer: Orchids.
35: When did Earth Day become a global event?
Answer: In 1990.
36: Which celebration follows Earth Day with a similar purpose of environmental protection and planet conservation?
Answer: World Environment Day (June 5).
37: Which U.S. president signed the Paris Agreement on climate change?
Answer: President Barack Obama signed the agreement in 2015. However, two years later, President Donald Trump officially announced the United States' withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change.
38: Which book published in 1968 warned about the danger of overpopulation on the planet?
Answer: “The Population Bomb” by Paul Ehrlich.
39: Which U.S. river caught fire in 1969 due to waste and pollution?
Answer: The Cuyahoga River, with a length of about 137 km, located in the northeastern part of Ohio, USA.
40: Which organization was the main sponsor for the first Earth Day?
Answer: United Automobile Workers (also known as International Union, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America).
41: Initially, how did Gaylord Nelson and Denis Hayes plan to organize the first Earth Day event?
Answer: It was intended as an environmental teach-in.
42: In 1970, what was referred to as 'The Dirty Dozen,' meaning 12 fruits and vegetables with pesticide residues exceeding allowed levels?
Answer: Places with environmental pollution.
43: Which renowned poet attended the first Earth Day event in Philadelphia?
Answer: Poet Allen Ginsberg.
44: Who composed the single album for Earth Day titled 'Tomorrow’s World'?
Answer: Pam Tillis and Kix Brooks.
45: Google introduced their iconic Earth Day doodle in which year?
Answer: In 2001.
46: When does the Earth Equinox (the day when day and night are equal) occur during the year?
Answer: Every year on March 20.
47: April 22 is also the birthday of a renowned conservationist, who is it?
Answer: John Muir.
48: What is the theme of Earth Day in 2022?
Answer: Investing In Our Planet.
49: Earth Day is chosen because it falls between which two events in the university academic calendar?
Answer: Spring break and final exams.
50: In 2011, 28 million trees were planted in which country as part of the 'Plant Trees, Not Bombs' campaign for Earth Day?
Answer: Afghanistan.
This article compiles the best 1000+ Earth Day riddles with answers for you. Wishing you a wonderful day!