Exploring the Evolution of Icon Design on Windows from 1 to 11
Over more than three decades of Windows development, the icons on this operating system have evolved and changed alongside improvements in screen resolution and color depth. Even on the recently leaked Windows 11 build, a new set of more colorful icons has emerged. So, from inception to maturity, let's take a look at how the size and design style of icons on Windows have evolved over time.Windows 98 (1998)
Windows 98 introduced default 256-color icons at 32x32 pixels. This marked Microsoft's first provision of many system icons with a larger 48x48 pixel size, ideal for accessibility purposes and use with high-resolution screens (though quite rare at that time). Several icons like My Computer and Recycle Bin received updates, while many inherited icons from Windows 95 and even from Windows 3.1 in some cases.
Windows 98 (1998)
Windows 98 introduced default 256-color icons at 32x32 pixels. This marked Microsoft's first provision of many system icons with a larger 48x48 pixel size, ideal for accessibility purposes and use with high-resolution screens (though quite rare at that time). Several icons like My Computer and Recycle Bin received updates, while many inherited icons from Windows 95 and even from Windows 3.1 in some cases.Mytour's content is for customer care and travel encouragement only, and we are not responsible.
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