On the social media platform Facebook, the feature to block incoming friend requests from strangers is currently unavailable. However, if you wish to block friend requests from unfamiliar individuals on Facebook, there are still methods available.
Guide to Blocking Friend Requests on Facebook
In the following tutorial, Mytour will guide you on how to limit blocking friend requests from unfamiliar individuals on Facebook.
Guide to Blocking Friend Requests on Facebook
1. How to Block Friend Requests on Facebook for Desktop
Step 1:
On the Facebook interface, click on the downward arrow icon -> Select Settings
Step 2:
Go to
Step 3:
Select Who can contact me? Choose Edit under 'Who can send you friend request' section
Step 4:
Choose Friends of friends instead of Everyone as before:
This means: Only people who are friends of your friends can send you friend requests.
then, choose Close
Step 5:
Select Who can look me up
Choose Edit under 'Who can look you up using the email address you provided' - switch from Everyone to Friends. Then, Close
In 'Who can look you using the phone number you provided?' section, you should choose similarly
After the switch, only your friends can find you via the email address and phone number you used to sign up for Facebook
Step 6:
This is the final step and can greatly help limit strangers from finding and sending friend requests to you
Under the line 'Do you want other search to link to your Timeline'
Click on the Checkmark
Choose Confirm ->Close
2. How to Block Friend Requests on Facebook for Mobile
Apart from blocking friend requests on Facebook via computer, users can also refer to how to perform this trick on their phones. Specifically, check out the tutorial here.
Finding friends on the Facebook community will be greatly restricted because your information as well as information on your timeline won't be displayed to search engines. So, rest assured you won't be found by strangers and receive friend requests in the shortest time possible, and with impatience, they will surely give up the intention of befriending you.
Here, Mytour has guided you on how to overcome and block friend requests from strangers on the social network Facebook.
Check out more about Facebook - Blocking posts on Facebook Fanpage.