Facebook has just announced Watch Together, a new feature within the messaging app that allows you to watch videos from Facebook Watch while also enjoying live videos from your friends. According to Facebook, there are over 150 million daily video calls made on Facebook Messenger, with over 200 million videos sent. With Watch Together, users can watch videos together with friends and family.
reveals they have introduced a new feature to let people spend 'quality time' together as this feature allows users to see each other's reactions as if they were watching videos in the same room. Watch Together is built upon Messenger Rooms, launched earlier this year to help people connect during social distancing due to COVID-19.
Facebook Messenger Introduces Exciting Video Watching Experience: Watch Together
The social media company believes the new tool will also be beneficial for content creators. To promote this aspect of the service, they have collaborated with fitness trainer and author Melissa Alcantara to create a series of workout videos that groups can watch together while exercising. Facebook cites a study stating that 70% of people who have a workout buddy achieve their fitness goals compared to 45% of those who work out alone.
To start using Watch Together, simply make a Messenger or Messenger Room call and then swipe up to access the menu and choose Watch Together. Here, you can select what you want to watch.
The new feature is set to launch globally this week on Messenger and Messenger Rooms on iOS and Android platforms.
Let's download and update the latest version of Facebook Messenger:
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