Similar to other chat software like Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, AOL Messenger..., Skype also has the feature to display online status when you log in and offline mode when you log out. However, for various reasons, your Skype may not show online status even when you are logged in on the web.
Steps to Fix Skype Not Showing Online Status:
Step 1
Step 2: Log in to Skype, on the toolbar, choose Tools --> Options to adjust some settings.
Step 3: In the Options ---> Privacy ---> Privacy settings window, adjust privacy settings.
Check the line Allow my online status to be shown on the web to display your online status on the web.
Click Save to save the settings.
Alternatively, if you prefer to keep your account private even when logged in, simply uncheck the line just mentioned and press Save.
Setting your Skype status to online or invisible has never been easier, right? With this method, you can customize your visibility to other Skype users.