It's unclear what Riot Games did to Rek'Sai, but this character suddenly became overwhelmingly dominant in LoL.
Damage has always been a critical factor in LoL, serving as the primary tool for defeating opponents, securing objectives, and ultimately achieving victory. However, in recent years, players have been voicing numerous complaints about the imbalance and lack of control over damage in LoL. In a game where even tank champions can 'one-shot' opponents, it's evident that LoL is facing a significant issue.
This issue has evolved into a new meme as players have recently discovered that Rek'Sai can 'one-shot' everything with just a few simple moves. Even formidable targets like Dragons or Baron can be taken down by Rek'Sai with just a 'gentle touch' of her basic attacks or a well-timed Burrow (W). This phenomenon also extends to enemy champions, as Rek'Sai can leave them 'bleeding out' in a very short amount of time.
This Rek'Sai Exploit is ruining ranked right now...
The humor here lies in the post-match damage stats, where all the absurd damage numbers from Rek'Sai somehow 'jumped' over to Tahm Kench and Miss Fortune. Thus, we've stumbled upon yet another flaw in recording and displaying post-match damage. To put it mildly, this is a case of 'error upon error' from LoL and Riot Games.
This is indeed a glaring issue, turning Rek'Sai into an unreasonably strong champion at the moment. We haven't even been able to explain why this error occurred, so there's no immediate solution. Hopefully, Riot Games will soon recognize this issue and rectify it as soon as possible. In the meantime, the advice is to always ban Rek'Sai when playing ranked to avoid encountering this frustrating bug.