Google Maps GPS: Locating Yourself on Phone and Computer


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the essential conditions for using Google Maps GPS effectively?

To use Google Maps GPS effectively, ensure that you have an active internet connection, allow the app to access your location, enable the GPS function on your device, and be in an area with a strong GPS signal.

How can I locate my current position using Google Maps on my phone?

To locate your current position using Google Maps on your phone, open the app, allow location access, and it will automatically display your current location marked on the map.

What steps should I follow to pinpoint my location on Google Maps using a computer?

To pinpoint your location on Google Maps using a computer, open your web browser, visit, grant location access when prompted, and your current location will appear on the map.

What should I do if I encounter the 'Unable to determine your location' error on Google Maps?

If you see the 'Unable to determine your location' error, check if GPS is enabled, ensure you have a stable internet connection, update the Google Maps app, and try to be in an area with better GPS reception.

Is it possible to save my location on Google Maps for future reference?

Yes, you can save your location on Google Maps. Once your location is identified, tap the Save option in the location information bar, enter a description, and click Done to save it.