Building a brick mailbox adds a sturdy and lasting feature to your property. Understanding the necessary tools, supplies, and procedures enables you to create your own brick mailbox. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to construct a brick mailbox.
Check Local Regulations for Mailboxes
Removing the Existing Mailbox
Excavate a Hole in the Ground
Fill the Hole with Concrete
Outline the Foundation Area
Spread Mortar on the Foundation Area
Position and Secure Cinder Blocks
Apply Mortar on the Top of the Initial Layer of Cinder Blocks
Place Additional Cinder Blocks on Top of the First Layer
Spread Mortar on the Base
Arrange Bricks Around the Cinder Blocks
Layer Mortar on the Structure's Top
Attach the New Mailbox on Top of the Mortar and Press It In
Continue Building with Additional Bricks
Add a Capstone to the Mailbox (Optional)
Clean Loose Mortar from the Mailbox
Essential Materials
List of Required Items