As we grow, we receive more invitations to parties, weddings, and events. I usually save these events in my phone's calendar to stay organized. I believe that if organizers encode event information into QR codes, when guests scan them, it will automatically add appointment details to their phones, making everything conveniently known. Here, I'll guide you on turning appointments into QR codes on iPhone and iPad effortlessly using the Shortcut app.1. Creating Shortcuts
- Click to create a new shortcut
- Command 1: “Retrieve upcoming event”
- Command 2: “Choose from the list”
- Command 3: “Name” for the selected item above
- Command 4: “Text”
- Command 5: 'Generate QR code'
- Command 6: “Preview”
Click to create a new Shortcut, in the search bar find and add the command “Retrieve upcoming event”. You will see the command line “Retrieve 1 event from All calendars”, replace the number 1 with any preferred number; iPhone will fetch that many events for you to choose from, I usually pick 10.
Continue by finding and adding the command “Choose from the list”. You will encounter the second command line “Choose from - Upcoming events”
Continue by finding and adding the command “Set name”. You will see the third command line “Set the name of Selected item to ____”
Click on the blank space and select the field “Selected item” but with the added extension “.csv”
Now, your new command line will be “Set the name of Selected item to Selected item.csv”
Next, find and add the command “Text”, choose the text input field and select “Item with the changed name”
Next, find and add the command “Generate QR code”, the 5th command line will be “Generate QR code from Text”
Find and add the command “Quick Look”, the final command line will be “Display QR code in Quick Look”
Done, exit and click on the newly created command to check and test.
If you use an iPhone or iPad to scan the QR code, you'll find the event details displayed in a detailed and clear manner.
- Scanning the QR code reveals all event details: Event name, date and time, venue, first and second event reminders, notes. Invitees just need one tap to add it to their calendar, avoiding any chance of missing out. Entering and setting these details manually would be time-consuming and tedious.
- Storing both first and second reminder options ensures that invitees won't miss the event.
- Accurate location attachment prevents invitees from remembering or going to the wrong address, also aiding quicker navigation.
- The ability to add notes helps remind invitees of additional information such as dress code, dining arrangements, prize draws, without cluttering the invitation with too much text.
- Wedding couples should consider printing QR codes like this; they can even include their bank account number Mytour-style, allowing absent guests to send gifts without intermediaries 😁.