Browsing the web in Private Mode on your phone, also known as anonymous browsing, is a well-known feature. However, many new users of Android and iPhone devices may still be unsure how to do this.
Browsing the web in Private Mode
In this article, will guide you through browsing the web in Private Mode on your phone using popular web browsers such as Chrome, Coc Coc, Firefox, Safari, and UC Browser, making it easy for everyone to accomplish.
* Browsing in Private mode with Safari browser
To utilize the Private mode feature in Safari browser on your phone, follow these steps:
Step 1: Access the Safari browser icon from your device's home screen, as shown below. Here, select the tab management icon in the browser.
Step 2: At this point, the system will switch you to the tab management interface of Safari that you are using. To browse the web in Private mode on your phone, select the Private option.
Now, click the '+' icon to begin browsing the web privately on your iPhone.
* Browsing the web in private mode on Chrome browser
Let's explore the steps to activate privacy mode on your device using Chrome browser:
Step 1: Access the Chrome app on your Android or iPhone, already installed successfully.
Step 2: In the browser interface, tap on the three-dot icon at the top right corner of the screen as shown below and select the option for New Incognito Tab.
Immediately, the system will switch you to the Incognito Tab interface, allowing you to browse privately.
* Browsing the web in private mode using Cốc Cốc browser
Similar to Chrome browser, let's go through the steps to access web browsing in private mode as follows:
- Access the Coc Coc app, already downloaded and installed on your device. Within this app interface, select the option to open a new Incognito Tab.
* Browsing the web in private mode using Firefox browser
To browse the web privately with Firefox browser, follow these steps:
Step 1: Open Firefox browser from your phone's home screen, already downloaded and installed. Next, tap on the three-dot icon at the top right corner of the screen as shown below.
Step 2: Then, choose the New Private Tab feature. Immediately, the system will display the Private mode functionality and notify users when using this app.
* Browsing the web in private mode using UC Browser
Let's explore the steps to access private browsing mode on UC Browser as follows:
Step 1: In the UC Browser app interface, tap on the tab management icon as shown below. Then, select the 'mask' icon.
Step 2: Now the program will display the incognito status, and you can tap on the '+' icon to start browsing in Private mode on your phone.
So, we've just learned about the steps to browse privately on your phone with popular web browsers today, which you can easily use with this unique incognito mode.
In addition, with Firefox browser for iPhone, you can easily download your favorite files, or you can refer to the article download files on iPhone with Firefox to learn how to download videos, favorite files on iOS devices.