If you find yourself in a life-threatening emergency, knowing how to call an ambulance is an essential skill. Memorize the emergency number for your area and stay calm and ready to assist, as this could potentially save a life.
Steps to Follow
Initiating the Ambulance Call
Maintain Your Composure. Take a deep breath and allow yourself a moment to compose before making the call. While time is crucial, remaining calm is key to providing effective help.
Familiarize Yourself with Emergency Numbers
Contact the Operator for Ambulance Assistance
Provide Operator with Necessary Details
Remain Calm and Follow Operator's Guidance
Be Ready to Assist Emergency Responders
Recognizing Emergencies
Use Emergency Services When Necessary
Choose Caution When Unsure
Identifying Life-Threatening Emergencies
Call for Help Immediately
Assisting While Waiting
Assess the Situation
Address Immediate Threats
Seek Assistance Nearby
Offer Comfort to the Victim
Clear the Path for Emergency Services
Helpful Advice
Useful Tips
Important Warnings
- Emergency operators are individuals. While they anticipate concern and panic from callers, being abusive or disrespectful is unacceptable. Abusing emergency service operators can lead to criminal charges, even in crisis situations.
- Do not disconnect the call until instructed by the operator.
- Always check for a medical tag on the injured person's wrists or neck. These tags, typically gold or silver with a red 'medic' symbol (a winged-staff with two snakes), may provide vital medical information such as conditions, medications, or allergies.
- Never make a false ambulance call. It wastes vital resources, jeopardizes lives, is against the law, can be traced to your location, and leads to serious consequences.