What is Whois?
Whois is a tool for looking up domain information.
Whois is essentially formed from the phrase 'Who' and 'is' meaning the question 'Who?'. Who owns this domain? Whois will answer this question for you.
When looking up a domain with Whois, the results will include
- Domain information: registration location, name server, registration date/expiry date/most recent update date.
- Domain owner information: Name, address, company, phone number, email.
Domain lookup with Whois
International domain lookup
Access the lookup page: http://whois.domaintools.com/
Enter Captcha and Go.
Domain information will appear with the following details:
- Registrant Org: Owning company
- Registrant Country: Registered in which country
- Registrar Status: Registration status
- Dates: Creation date, expiry date, and update date.
- Name Servers: server names
- Tech Contact: Contact information
- IP Address: Server IP address
- IP Location: Server location
- ASN: ASN network number
- Hosting History: Hosting change history
- Website title: Website name
- Response Code: Response code
- SEO Score: SEO score, higher score means more reputable website
Lookup .vn domains
Enter the domain you want to look up, security code, then select 'Search'.
Results are displayed:
Mytour has guided you on the easiest way to look up a domain. Hopefully, you will find beneficial information through this domain lookup process.
Wishing you success!