After locking a Telegram group chat, you gain control over everything within the group, such as limiting group participation, managing content sent by members, and preventing others from accessing the chat. These functionalities have recently been updated for Telegram.
Tips for Locking Telegram Group Chats
Simplest Guide to Locking Telegram Group Chats
*Requirements: Update or download the latest version of Telegram
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1. Switch from public to private group
Step 1: Open the Telegram app => go to the group chat
Step 2: Tap on Group Name
Step 3: Press the pencil icon to edit
Step 4: Choose Group Type to transfer ownership of the group chat
Step 5: Tap Private Group => click the checkmark icon
=> After converting to a private group, users can no longer automatically join the group
2. Disable Add Users and Send Messages Features
Step 1: Open the Telegram app => go to the group chat
Step 2: Tap on Group Name
Step 3: Press the pencil icon to edit
Step 4: Choose Permissions to set permissions
Step 5: Turn off Add Users
Step 6: Turn off Send Messages => click the checkmark icon
=> At this point, only the Admin has the right to send messages and add members; other members in the group cannot send messages or add members.
Here are two typical methods for you to effectively lock a Telegram group chat. Additionally, you can explore how to leave all groups on Telegram if you want to discontinue all activities from groups.