Here, you can input
Download a Plugin - Install the Add-onExplore to find compatible plugins for your printer. Currently, there are numerous plug-ins available for various printer models.
Step 4:After installing the plugin from the Play Store, return to the Printing menu and turn it on.
Step 5:Now, when you want to print any document from your Samsung Galaxy S6 or S6 Edge, simply select Share => Print => Choose your printer => tap the printer icon and wait for a moment.
Thus, remote document printing on Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 EDGE can be effortlessly done through wireless connection. If you want to share Wi-Fi from S6 to other devices simultaneously, refer to the guide.
Share Wi-Fi from S6that we previously performed.
Furthermore, users can also control their Smart TV using their Galaxy S6 by activating the Smart Remote app on the device. Refer to additional guides for instructions on
turning Galaxy S6 into a remote controlto carry them out. Wishing you effective use of the S6!