As previously mentioned, Jarvis is a newly developed virtual assistant, hence its features are still quite limited compared to Google Assistant or even Siri. Nonetheless, users can still utilize Jarvis for task reminders on Facebook Messenger, a basic yet highly useful feature for those with numerous tasks to manage.
Using Jarvis for task reminders on Facebook Messenger
- Download Messenger for Android here.
- Get Messenger for iPhone here.
Guide to using Jarvis for task reminders on Facebook Messenger
Note that Jarvis currently operates on web browsers and is compatible with both PC and Android, iPhone devices. Therefore, depending on your preference, you can use Jarvis for task reminders on Facebook Messenger. In this article, Mytour utilizes Jarvis on an Android phone.
Step 2: When Jarvis interface appears, to use Jarvis for task reminders on Facebook Messenger, you need to click on the messaging section, which is the messaging feature on Facebook Messenger.
Step 3: The AI in Jarvis is quite straightforward, no matter what you say, it simply follows the command. Firstly, you need to select the location where you reside.
Step 4: After selecting your place of residence, Jarvis will then prompt you to use Jarvis for task reminders on Facebook Messenger by typing the following syntax:
Remind me to do xxx at yyyy and send it to Jarvis.
Note: The syntax must be typed exactly as instructed, whether the content is in English or Vietnamese is up to you.
Step 5: For example, reminding myself to have cake with my girlfriend at 6 PM, as mentioned, you can use Jarvis for task reminders on Facebook Messenger in English or Vietnamese because it won't understand anyway, as long as it's correct in syntax.
Remind me to eat cake with my girlfriends at 6PM.
>> And immediately, Jarvis will notify you that it will remind you of that task at the exact time you selected.
Step 6: Alternatively, you can use Jarvis for task reminders on Facebook Messenger to remind you to drink water at 11:20, for instance, and Jarvis will send you a message on Facebook Messenger at the specified time you reminded.
Of course, when using Jarvis for task reminders on Facebook Messenger, you'll find Jarvis quite simple because it's just a regular message.
Above is the guide on how to use Jarvis for task reminders on Facebook Messenger. Through the instructions above, you can see that Jarvis is very easy to use, isn't it? Although it doesn't have many features or any outstanding features, this tool is still under development, so you can completely trust its future development.
If you're using a phone, according to Mytour, it's better to use Vietnamese Google Assistant on your phone, because using Vietnamese Google Assistant will make it easier for you to issue commands.
If you're unsure, you can explore more common Vietnamese Google Assistant commands to operate more easily. Refer to the Vietnamese Google Assistant commands right here to start practicing immediately.