There are numerous reasons why individuals might seek to temporarily numb their skin. This may involve alleviating pain following an injury or preparing for a medical procedure at the doctor’s office. Fortunately, there are plentiful options available to choose from so you can discover what will work best for your situation.
Steps to Follow
Relief from Pain
Utilize an Ice Pack
Consider using topical anesthetic creams to alleviate discomfort from sunburns, minor burns, insect bites, stings, and minor abrasions. Always consult a healthcare professional before usage, especially if pregnant, breastfeeding, treating a child or a senior citizen, or taking other medications or supplements. Follow the instructions on the packaging carefully.
Oral Painkillers for Relief
Preventing Future Pain
Explore the option of using cooling sprays before painful medical procedures. These sprays, like ethyl chloride, provide temporary pain relief by numbing the skin upon evaporation. However, follow medical advice closely to avoid frostbite and other complications.
Consult Your Doctor about Topical Anesthetics
Explore Alternative Anesthesia Options with Your Doctor