Similar to Word, you can number pages and customize Header and Footer in Excel as well. However, the functionality in Excel differs slightly from Word. After numbering pages in Excel, the application won't display page numbers immediately; they only appear when you print or preview the document.
Numbering pages as you desire in Excel
This article aims to guide you on how to customize page numbering in Excel according to your preferences. The process is simple yet effective. Join us for a walkthrough.
Guide to Custom Page Numbering in Excel as You Desire
* Preparation steps:
- Ensure your computer is equipped with commonly used Excel programs: Excel 2013, Excel 2016.
- Have an Excel file ready for page numbering.
Step 2: In the Page Setup section -> select the icon as shown below:
Step 3: In the Page Setup dialog -> go to the Page tab -> then if you want to number pages arbitrarily, for example, 2, enter 2 in the First page number box:
Next -> select the Header/Footer tab -> choose Custom Footer to number pages at the bottom of each page. You can also choose Custom Header if you want to number pages at the top of each page.
Step 4: In the Footer section, there are 3 positions to place page numbers: Left section (on the left), Center section (in the middle), and Right section (on the right). To assign page numbers to your desired location, hover over that spot and select the Insert Page Number icon.
Step 5: Next, you'll see &[Page] appear at your chosen location -> press OK to complete the page numbering process.
Continue by pressing OK to close Page Setup. Now, you've successfully assigned page numbers in Excel. Navigate to the File tab -> select Print to preview the applied page numbers.
With these simple steps we just guided you through, you surely know how to efficiently and quickly Number Pages in Excel as per your preference.
If you wish to reset page numbering to start from 1 (Auto Number), and you want to explore additional page numbering techniques in different Excel versions, refer to the guide on numbering pages in Excel shared by Mytour for detailed instructions. Wishing you success in your endeavors!