AoE Ranking GTV Plus is the integrated version for ranking and scoring in the Age of Empires game, the first of its kind in the Vietnamese market. Developed based on Microsoft's original version, AoE Ranking maintains the graphics and sound quality of the original game.
How exactly does AoE Ranking GTV Plus calculate scores?
How does AoE Ranking GTV Plus calculate scores?
To play AoE Ranking GTV Plus, gamers need to download the Ranking Empire version developed by the top engineers at GTV through the link below.
- Proceed to Download the latest AoE Ranking here.
=> Refer to how to download and play AoE Ranking here.
Calculating scores in GTV Plus is straightforward. After entering the Ranking Mode in the game's settings, players initiate the ranking process. Each victory in AoE Ranking mode earns you 3 points, while a loss deducts 1 point regardless of the solo or 2vs2 mode played.
- Win: +3 points
- Loss: -1 point
* Note:
+ If a player from team 1 quits early and the remaining player wins against team 2, both players from team 1 get +3 points, and team 2 loses 1 point.
+ In games with computer opponents, the system won't automatically calculate ranking points, whether you win or lose.
+ Disconnecting from the game (disconnection, power outage, loss of network, etc.) is still counted normally.
+ Gamers participating in AoE Ranking GTV Plus must win to earn points, meaning they must receive the You are victory command to secure a win and gain 3 points.
In addition, the AoE Ranking scoring system on GameTV Plus rigorously penalizes ranking participants showing signs of unfair play, rapidly increasing scores, disrupting the game, continuous disconnections, or engaging in cheating behaviors during the ranking climb. The most severe penalty could result in a permanent ban for the cheating account.