What is the air distance from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng?
According to Mytour, the estimated air distance from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng is approximately 1119 km.
How far is it from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng by road?
According to Google Maps data, the road distance from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng is 1,154 km along the QL1A route. With this distance, it will take you approximately 20 hours and 50 minutes by car to reach Hải Phòng.
The road distance from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng
Means of transportation from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng
Air transportation
Many passengers prefer to choose airplanes as their means of travel from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng to save maximum travel time and ensure health during long journeys.
Book flights from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng
As of the current time, flights from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng are operated by 2 domestic airlines: Vietjet Air and Bamboo Airways. There are approximately 2 flights departing daily from Phù Cát Airport (Quy Nhơn, Bình Định) to Cát Bi Airport (Hải Phòng).
> Flight ticket prices from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng: Estimated ticket prices range from approximately 48,000 to 1,499,000 Vietnamese dong per one-way trip (excluding taxes and fees).
Transportation from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng by road
You can take a bus or drive your own personal vehicle to Hải Phòng from Quy Nhơn. Specifically:
- Bus: Some reputable bus companies operate the Quy Nhơn - Hải Phòng route such as: Châu Tịnh, Cẩm Vân, Havana Limousine, Giang Anh, …
> Bus ticket prices: Range from 220,000 to 900,000 Vietnamese dong per ticket (depending on the bus company and quality of the bus).
> Travel time: Approximately 20 - 24 hours.
Quy Nhơn Hải Phòng bus
- Personal transportation: If you enjoy exploring scenic routes, driving your own motorcycle or car from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng is a fascinating option. You can manage your own time and enjoy the freedom of sightseeing along the way. Remember to prepare all necessary equipment and ensure your health for a safe journey.
> Travel time: Approximately 24 - 28 hours.
Travel itinerary suggestion for Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng
You can refer to the suggested 3-day, 2-night travel itinerary for Quy Nhơn - Hải Phòng below:
- Transportation: It is advisable to choose an airplane as your means of travel from Quy Nhơn to Hải Phòng for its flexibility and convenience. You can check flight prices to Hải Phòng to find the most suitable flight.
- Hotels: Depending on your personal preferences, you can choose from budget to luxury hotels in Hải Phòng. If you want to experience luxurious resort services, you should book a room at Vinpearl Hải Phòng.
- Sample itinerary:
Day 1:
- In the morning, check into your hotel and relax. Take a leisurely stroll around the hotel area, enjoying Hải Phòng specialties such as crab spring rolls, crab noodle soup, spicy bread, ...
Day 2:
- Start your day by heading to Thiên Văn Hill for panoramic views of the entire city from the hilltop. You can also enjoy cycling and picnicking on the hill, visit the Thiên Văn Museum, climb the Phù Liễn Observatory, ...
Day 3:
- Start your day by waking up to the beautiful sunrise, breathing in the fresh sea breeze. Then, head to Lan Ha Bay - a heavenly oasis with stunning islands scattered throughout the bay. Experience kayaking and visit fishing villages here.
In the afternoon, explore the city on foot and pick up some souvenirs for your loved ones and friends as a perfect end to your journey.
Thuy Duong
Image Source: Internet, Mytour