If you are planning to buy/sell Swiss Francs for study, work, travel, or buying/selling goods and services, readers need to regularly update the CHF exchange rate, know how to convert 1 Swiss Franc to Vietnamese Dong, and find the most profitable trading time.
How much is 1 Franc in Vietnamese money, Convert Swiss Franc to Vietnamese Dong
How much is 1 CHF in Vietnamese Dong?
1. What's the value of 1 CHF in VND?
According to the latest exchange rate from the central bank,
1 CHF = 23,981 VND (1 Swiss Franc equals approximately twenty-three thousand nine hundred eighty-one Vietnamese Dong)
With the exchange rate of CHF to VND, we can easily convert Swiss Franc denominations into Vietnamese currency as follows:
- 2 CHF = 47,964 VND (2 Swiss Francs equivalent to forty-seven thousand nine hundred sixty-four Vietnamese Dong)
- 10 CHF equals how much in Vietnamese money: 10 CHF = 239,810 VND
(10 Swiss Francs equals two hundred thirty-nine thousand eight hundred ten Vietnamese Dong)
- 100 Swiss Francs: 100 CHF = 2,398,100 VND
(100 Swiss Francs equals approximately two million three hundred ninety-eight thousand one hundred Vietnamese Dong)
- 1000 Swiss Francs: 1000 CHF = 23,981,000 VND
(1000 Swiss Francs equals approximately twenty-three million nine hundred eighty-one thousand Vietnamese Dong)
- 1,000,000 Swiss Francs equals 23,981,000,000
(1 million CHF equals approximately twenty-three billion nine hundred eighty-one million Vietnamese Dong)
2. What is CHF?
The Franc (symbol Fr or SFr, currency code CHF) is the legal tender of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Campione d'Italia, Italy. In Büsingen am Hochrhein, the Swiss Franc is not considered the official currency but is still widely used by residents for payments, exchanging goods, and services.
Common denominations of Swiss Franc coins include 5 centimes, 10 centimes, 1 franc, 2 francs, 5 francs, and banknotes are 10 francs, 20 francs, 50 francs, 100 francs, 200 francs, 1000 francs. These currencies are issued by the Swiss National Bank (for banknotes) and the Swiss Mint (for coins).
Images of Swiss currency, denominations of Swiss Francs
3. How to exchange Swiss currency to Vietnamese currency
To quickly update the Swiss Franc exchange rate, you can follow the instructions below.
How to do it: Go to your web browser, search for the keyword '1 CHF to VND' or 'CHF to VND' or '1 CHF equals how much in Vietnamese money', Google will automatically provide you with the latest CHF exchange rate.
CHF exchange rate when searching on Google Search
In addition to converting 1 Swiss Franc to Vietnamese Dong as mentioned above, if you frequently want to update the CHF exchange rate, you can install and use online currency conversion apps like XE Currency Converter, Chrome Currency Converter, etc.
Having understood the details of converting Swiss currency to VND above, readers can easily grasp the Swiss Franc exchange rate compared to the Vietnamese Dong and devise the best trading strategy for themselves.
As a strong currency, legally used in 19 European Union countries, the Euro exchange rate is also of significant interest to many individuals and organizations. To understand more about this currency, you can refer to the article 1 Euro equals how much in Vietnamese money shared by Mytour earlier.