The Indian Rupee, symbolized as Rs or R$ , is the official currency of India, also legally circulated in Bhutan, with the ISO 4217 code as INR. Indian Rupee banknotes come in various denominations such as 5 rupees, 10 rupees, 20 rupees, 50 rupees, 100 rupees, 500 rupees, and 1,000 rupees. Most of these denominations feature the portrait of Mahatma Gandhi.
The Indian Rupee is divided into various denominations to facilitate transactions and trading. Alongside Rupee banknotes, coins with denominations like 1, 2, 5, and 10 Rupees are also issued for convenience.
I. Today's Indian Rupee Exchange Rate
On April 3, 2023, the State Bank announced the exchange rate between the Vietnamese Dong and the Indian Rupee at 286.71 VND/INR.
With the above exchange rate, we can easily calculate:
- 1 INR = 286.71 VND.
- 10 INR = 2,848.28 VND.
- 100 INR = 28,482.85 VND.
- 1000 INR = 284,828.49 VND.
- 10,000 INR = 2,848,284.95 VND.
II. Quick Tip: Converting 1 Indian Rupee to VND
Wondering how much 1 Indian Rupee equals in Vietnamese Dong? You can utilize Google's conversion tool for a quick calculation.
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Access Google.
Step 2: In the search bar, type: '1 inr = vnd' or '1 rupee = vnd'.
The result of 1 Indian Rupee to VND will display after a few seconds. Similarly, you can quickly calculate: 10 Indian Rupees to Vietnamese Dong, 100 Indian Rupees to Vietnamese Dong, 1 Indian Rupee to vnd, 10 Indian Rupees to Vietnamese Dong, 100 Indian Rupees to Vietnamese Dong, 500 Indian Rupees to Vietnamese Dong...
III. Where to Exchange Indian Rupees to VND?
It's advisable to choose licensed currency exchange addresses for converting Indian Rupees to VND (such as credit institutions, commercial banks, reputable financial companies...). Some legitimate banks for INR foreign exchange reference include:
- Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank's Indian Rupee exchange rate is currently at 284.85 - 296.28 VND/INR, buying in cash - selling for transfer).
- Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank (TP Bank): The transfer selling rate for INR is currently high at 305 VND/INR.
Above is Mytour's guide on determining how much 1 Indian Rupee equals in Vietnamese Dong, hoping to provide readers with useful information when needing to convert and conduct financial transactions.
Alongside the information on how much 1 Indian Rupee equals in Vietnamese Dong, readers can also explore various content related to the exchange rate of the Vietnamese Dong against currencies of other countries such as: Converting Singapore Dollar to Vietnamese Dong, Singapore Dollar exchange rate with VND. The Singapore Dollar is also a commonly used currency, so if you have a need to study or work there, you can refer to the exchange rate of Singapore Dollar to Vietnamese Dong.
Furthermore, if you have some Hong Kong Dollars on hand and don't know how much Vietnamese Dong you'll get when exchanging them, you can refer to the article on exchanging 1 Hong Kong Dollar to Vietnamese Dong here.