How much is 1 Quân Huy Liên Quân in terms of money? Check out the latest Quân Huy recharge rates


Frequently Asked Questions


How does recharging above 1,000,000 VND affect Quân Huy conversion value?

When recharging above 1,000,000 VND, you will receive additional promotional Quân Huy from the publisher. For instance, recharging 1,000,000 VND gives an additional 50 Quân Huy, and 2,000,000 VND provides 100 extra Quân Huy.

How do Quân Huy prices differ between Google Play and the App Store?

On Google Play and the App Store, Quân Huy prices vary based on the US Dollar exchange rate. For example, recharging 0.99 USD gives 35 Quân Huy, making 1 Quân Huy equal to 800 VND.