How much is 1M, 1 Chai, 1 Củ in money?


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the monetary equivalent of 1M, 1 Chai, and 1 Củ in Vietnam?

1M, 1 Chai, and 1 Củ all represent the same monetary value, which is equivalent to 1 million Vietnamese Dong (1,000,000 VND). These terms are commonly used in different regions of Vietnam.

How do the terms 1 Chai and 1 Củ differ in usage across Vietnam?

The terms 1 Chai and 1 Củ have identical values, both equal to 1 million Dong. However, 1 Chai is more commonly used in Southern Vietnam, while 1 Củ is preferred in the North.

What smaller currency units are equivalent to 1 liter, 1 tire, and 1 coil in Vietnam?

1 liter, 1 tire, and 1 coil all denote the same value of 100 thousand Dong (100,000 VND). The usage of these terms varies regionally, with liter and tire favored in the North and coil in the South.

How much is 1 Garlic in Vietnamese currency units?

1 Garlic is a slang term that represents a significant amount of 1 billion Dong, equivalent to 1,000,000,000 VND. This term is part of the evolving currency language in Vietnam.