If you wish to ascertain your investment earnings, you're probably familiar with subtracting the initial value from the final value. Dividing that number by the starting value and then multiplying by 100 gives you the basic rate of return. But what if you've held your portfolio for numerous years? With your portfolio (hopefully) growing annually and compounding your returns, comparing its performance with someone else's requires the annualized portfolio return. There are 2 different methods to calculate your annualized portfolio return, depending on whether you want to adjust for the impact of your contributions and withdrawals on your portfolio's performance.
Time-Weighted Rate of Return
This computation provides a rate of return that disregards investor behavior (such as deposits and withdrawals), making it the optimal method for comparing the performance of investment managers and brokers.
Determine the difference between the initial and final values for each year.Include any dividends earned in your final value. For instance, if you received $50 in dividends, your final value would be $105,050.Add 1 to each rate and then multiply them together.compoundTo find the total rate, raise the value by an exponent of 1/n.Take the result from the previous step and multiply it by the exponent 1/4. Your answer should be 1.044.
Subtract 1 from the result and then multiply by 100 to obtain the annualized rate of return.The total rate can be calculated by raising the product of (1+R1) x (1+R2) x (1+R3) x (1+R4) to the power of 1/n, then subtracting 1 and multiplying by 100.Calculate the geometric average by taking the product of all rates (1+R1) x (1+R2) x (1+R3) x (1+R4), then raising it to the power of 1/n, subtracting 1, and multiplying by 100.Input your contributions or withdrawals in column A of a spreadsheet. Populate column A with your financial activities, beginning from cell A1. Remember to denote withdrawals as negative numbers.
Record the dates of your contributions or withdrawals in column B. Adjacent to each activity in column A, input the corresponding date in column B using the DATE function to ensure proper recognition.
Enter the formula on a new row. After inputting your data, move to the next row and add the XIRR formula, specifying the cell ranges for values and dates, and optionally, a guess for the IRR.
Let the program compute the solution in the same cell. Once the formula is entered, the program iterates to find the correct solution, displaying the result directly in the cell.
Troubleshoot errors in your data. If the formula returns an error, review your data. A #VALUE error may indicate invalid dates, while a #NUM! error could signal various issues such as mismatched array lengths or missing values.
Helpful Pointers
To compute an annualized rate of return, you have flexibility in choosing the investment period, whether it's months or years. Adjust the exponent accordingly to reflect the period used. For instance, with monthly periods, apply the exponent 12/n (where 'n' represents the total number of investment periods) to derive the annualized return, as there are 12 months in a year.
The concept of annualized return offers valuable insight into your portfolio's performance, especially when assessing investments over extended durations.
Noteworthy Cautions
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