Arena Breakout is a mobile FPS game developed by Tencent Games. Playing as a special forces operative, gamers must fight enemies, learn survival tactics, and complete assigned missions. Currently, developers allow players to register for international Arena Breakout, and here's how to download Arena Breakout for Android and iPhone in the Chinese version.
Download Arena Breakout for Android & iPhone
I. Guide to Download and Play Arena Breakout Chinese Version on iPhone
- 1. Quick Guide
- Step 1: Open AppStore => Switch Apple Store to China =>
Step 2: Open AppStore, search for Arena Breakout => Press 获取 to download and install the game.
2. Detailed Instructions
Step 1: Go to AppStore, click account icon, and enter AppStore password.
Step 3: Select Mainland China => Agree => press Agree.
Step 4: Click on the payment method 无, enter the payment address as shown below.
Step 5: Enter Arena Breakout in the Search game section => press 获取.
- Enter the password or Touch ID to proceed with the installation, after installation, click 打开 to open the game.
Step 6: Press 同意 to agree to the terms of the game publisher.
Step 7: Login to your Arena Breakout China Version account on Android, iPhone using various methods such as Google, Facebook, Email, or play Arena Breakout with a Guest account.
Step 8: Customize and input your character's name => press Register Name.
Step 9: Complete the beginner's guide, learn about playing Arena Breakout:
- Joystick button (1) helps you move your character.
- Use buttons (2) to shoot, aim, sit, lie down, walk softly, and reload.
- Click on button (3) to customize your equipment.
Step 10: After finishing the game tutorial, the game interface will be displayed as shown below.
II. Guide to Download and Install Arena Breakout China Version on Android
Step 1: Access the download link for the APK file of Arena Breakout China Version for Android HERE
Step 2: Once downloaded, click directly on the APK file of Arena Breakout => proceed to install Arena Breakout game on Android.
Step 3: Open the login and play the APK Arena Breakout.
Once you've mastered how to download and play Arena Breakout, you'll easily conquer every foe in each battle. As an action survival game, gamers can also explore how to download Sigma Battle Royale, a newly popular survival game with top-notch 3D graphics.