Cosmic Fantasy 3D offers players numerous benefits, with Cosmic Fantasy codes being the most prominent. Upon logging in to play Cosmic Fantasy 3D on your phone, you'll definitely need to use these codes to acquire additional items and resources to overcome various decisive Side Quests.
Get Cosmic Fantasy 3D on your Android and iOS devices now
I. How to download and install Cosmic Fantasy 3D on Android & iPhone
- 1. Quick guide
- Step 1: Download Cosmic Fantasy 3D to your device using the link below.
Step 2: Tap [File Link 1] => Install Cosmic Fantasy 3D like any other game installation.
2. Detailed instructions
Step 1: Access the link below to download Cosmic Fantasy 3D to your device => Tap [File Link 1].
- Download link for Android version: Cosmic Fantasy for Android
- Download link for iOS version: Cosmic Fantasy for iPhone
Step 2: Tap Install => Press Play.
Step 3: The interface after successfully downloading and installing Cosmic Fantasy 3D on your phone.
II. How to play Cosmic Fantasy 3D on your phone
Step 1: Choose your login method (Google, Facebook, or ID account).
Step 2: Select the Server to play Cosmic Fantasy 3D => Press Start.
Step 3: Now you will complete the guide for Newbies.
Step 4: Here you can choose to do Quest (1) or enter Battle (2) to challenge the levels.
- Example: Mytour selects Battle.
- Press Engage.
- At this point, the system will display Monster information you are about to battle including enemy information, rewards, and your team lineup for the challenge.
- If you agree to challenge, you select Engage.
- Upon entering the game, you can choose Auto mode for the system to play automatically. During the game, you can unleash hero skills when the yellow HP bar (3) is full.
- Upon defeating monsters, you will receive predetermined rewards.
There are plenty of high-level heroes and enticing gameplay modes waiting for you to unlock. Download and play Cosmic Fantasy 3D on your phone now. Released on the same day as Cosmic Fantasy is the game Otherworld 3Q from publisher Gzone, the gameplay of Otherworld 3Q on Android and iPhone is quite unique, unlike many other 3Q games that have appeared in Vietnam.