For some other Android devices, you can access this Settings app through the App list menu as shown in the image above.
Step 2 : Next, to enable keyboard sound on Android, choose the Sound & Vibration option.
Step 3 : Then, to enable keyboard sound on Android, activate the Dial keyboard sound feature.
Afterwards, we will proceed to activate the Keyboard Sound option.
Step 4 : In case you want to turn off keyboard sound on Android or no longer use this feature, simply select to turn off both Dial keyboard sound, Keyboard Sound as shown below.
In this brief exploration, we've together delved into the simple steps of toggling keyboard sound on and off in Android. This topic has garnered much interest and curiosity, evident from the inquiries received on Hopefully, through this article, you've not only become acquainted but also gained insights into enabling and disabling keyboard sounds on your Android device.
Additionally, you can effortlessly customize the keyboard of your Android phone by following the steps to change the keyboard background, as outlined in the article on modifying Android keyboard background. Feel free to explore and personalize your keyboard in your unique style.