Manga, a distinct Japanese comic style, offers a unique reading experience compared to its English counterparts. Mastering the right-to-left, top-to-bottom reading sequence, accurately interpreting panel elements, and deciphering characters' emotions through common emotional cues are essential skills for maximizing your enjoyment of manga.
Essential Knowledge
- Discover various manga genres and popular series such as shojo, shonen, Ghost in the Shell, and Love Hina.
- Adapt to reading manga panels from right to left and top to bottom. Follow the same direction for dialogue boxes within panels.
- Observe characters' emotional fluctuations. Exasperation is depicted through sigh bubbles, blushing with vertical cheek lines, and embarrassment with sweat drops.
Selecting Manga

Familiarize yourself with the diverse genres of manga. Manga encompasses a variety of genres catering to different demographics and interests. Seinen targets adult males, while josei caters to adult females. Shojo appeals to young girls, whereas shonen targets young boys. Kodomo is aimed at children.

Explore the plethora of manga genres. Manga covers a wide range of genres, spanning various subjects and themes. Some prevalent manga genres include action, mystery, adventure, romance, comedy, slice of life, science fiction, fantasy, gender bender, historical, harem, and mecha.

Discover popular manga series. Before delving into your first manga, acquaint yourself with popular series. Notable science fiction series include Ghost in the Shell and Akira. Iconic fantasy series comprise Dragon Ball and Pokemon Adventures. Love Hina
is a beloved slice of life manga, while Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 blends mecha and science fiction.
Commencing Your Journey

Choose manga that resonates with your interests and personality. Once you've explored various types and genres of manga and acquainted yourself with some popular series, it's time to decide which manga to delve into. Trust your instincts and opt for something that truly captivates you!

Commence with the inaugural manga of the series. Typically, manga are serialized and encompass numerous narratives. Ensure you initiate your journey with the initial story and progress through the series sequentially. If a series garners sufficient popularity, its installments may be compiled into a single volume. The issue and series details are commonly printed on the cover.

Place the book with the spine positioned to the right. Manga should be oriented with the spine on the right side. As you place the manga on a surface, ensure that the leaf ends are on the left and the spine rests on the right. This orientation is contrary to that of English books.

Commence reading from the side featuring the title, author’s name, and edition. It's imperative to begin reading manga from the correct side. The front cover typically displays the manga's title along with the author's name(s). Flip the manga over if you encounter a warning indicating, “You’re reading the wrong way!”
Interpreting Panels

Read panels from right to left and top to bottom. Similar to manga pages, individual panels should be read in a right-to-left sequence. Begin each page by starting with the panel in the upper right-hand corner. Continue reading from right to left, moving downwards. When you reach the bottom of the page, proceed to the panel in the far-right of the next row.
- If panels are vertically aligned, start with the topmost panel.
- Even if panels aren't perfectly aligned, adhere to the right-to-left rule. Begin with the topmost row or column and progress - right to left - to the bottommost row or column.

Read speech bubbles from right to left and top to bottom. Speech bubbles, containing characters' dialogue, should be read in a right-to-left sequence as well. Start from the upper right-hand corner of the panel and proceed to read the speech bubbles from right to left, and then top to bottom.

Interpret black panel backgrounds as flashback scenes. When manga panels feature a black background, it typically signifies events that occurred before the current storyline. Black backgrounds indicate flashbacks to earlier events or time periods.

Recognize fading panel backgrounds as transitions from past to present. Pages with panels starting with a black background, transitioning to fading shades of gray, and ending with a white background depict a shift from the past (black panel) to the present (white panel).
Deciphering Characters’ Emotions

Interpret an empty dialogue bubble as a sign of relief or frustration. Manga characters often exhibit a sigh with an empty speech bubble positioned near or below their mouth. This indicates sighing and can convey either relief or frustration.

Understand lines across a character’s face as blushing. Manga characters frequently blush, depicted by lines drawn across their nose and cheeks. Interpret these expressions as signs of embarrassment, joy, or romantic feelings towards another character.

Interpret a nosebleed as lustful desire, not injury. When a manga character is depicted with a nosebleed, it often signifies their arousal or intense attraction towards another character, typically a beautiful woman.

Understand a sweat drop as a symbol of embarrassment. Occasionally, a sweat drop may appear near a character’s head, indicating their discomfort or embarrassment in a particular situation. This typically conveys a lesser degree of embarrassment compared to blushing.

Interpret facial shadows and dark auras as signs of anger, irritability, or depression. When a manga character is shown in a panel with a purple, gray, or black blob or shadow in the background, it often signifies the negative emotions surrounding the character.
The suggestions provided here stem from the real-life experiences of Mytour readers like yourself. If you have a helpful pointer to share on Mytour, please submit it below.
- If you're struggling to locate manga, visit the local library and inquire with the librarian about their manga collection. If you're still unable to find something of interest, consider placing a hold on a manga series that corresponds to an anime you've watched or enjoyed. Alternatively, explore other sources online for additional information.
- Ensure you follow the correct panel order while reading. Some manga volumes include a guide at the back illustrating the intended reading sequence.
- Adapting to manga reading might pose initial challenges, but remember, the experience is undoubtedly rewarding!