WhatsApp is a popular free messaging app chosen by many. Moreover, WhatsApp has recently integrated the video calling feature to meet the demands of today's users. You can apply the method of making WhatsApp video calls on your phones and computers as described below, enabling you to make video calls easily through the application.
Initiating WhatsApp Calls on Your Devices
Important Notes for Making WhatsApp Video Calls:
- You need to install Windows 10 64-bit version 1903 or newer to easily make video calls on WhatsApp Desktop.
- Update to the latest version to use the calling feature on WhatsApp on your devices.
- Have a WhatsApp account; if not, refer to How to Create a WhatsApp Account here.
1. How to Make WhatsApp Video Calls on Android, iOS Devices
* Requirement: Must be the latest version:
- Download WhatsApp for Android
- Download WhatsApp for iPhone
Step 1
Step 2: In the 'Chats' section, you look at the bottom right corner, click the message icon (Image 1). Then you select the account you want to make a video call to (Image 2).
Note: If the person you want to call is displayed in the Chat section, you can click directly without the need for the previous step to call on WhatsApp.
Step 3: At the top of the interface, click the camera icon (Image 3). The system will send a notification 'Start video call', click 'Ok' (Image 4).
Step 4: Click 'Continue' when 'To make the call...' is displayed (Image 5), then click 'Allow' when 'Allow WhatsApp to take pictures...' is displayed (Image 6).
Step 5: Click 'Allow' for WhatsApp to record audio (Image 7). At this point, you will start the call with similar options as Zalo (Image 8). You just need to wait for the other person to pick up, and both of you can talk. After finishing the conversation, you just need to press the phone icon inside the red circle.
2. How to Make WhatsApp Video Calls on Computer
Step 1: On your computer, open and log in to WhatsApp.
Step 2: Click on the contact you want to reach out to. On the interface, click the camera icon.
Step 3: When both parties are connected, WhatsApp will display several options:
- Camera icon: Toggle camera on or off.
- Microphone icon: Toggle microphone on or off.
- End call icon: Press to end the call.
- Ellipsis icon: More options.
With the method of making WhatsApp video calls on computer and phone, now you can initiate video calls via WhatsApp anytime you like, chat comfortably.