Can you procure a Cash App card for someone besides yourself? Absolutely! If you have a friend or family member interested in using Cash App, you can conveniently establish an account for them with their consent. In the case of minors aged between 13 and 17, you can apply for a sponsored account enabling them to utilize the Cash Card feature under your supervision. This guide will walk you through the process of requesting a Cash App Cash Card for another person using either your iPhone or Android device.
Essential Points to Consider
- You have the option to set up a Cash App account for another individual with their consent and information.
- Upon creation, navigate to 'Cash Card' and select 'Request Free Cash Card'. Then, follow the prompts provided.
- Through a sponsored account, your adolescent (aged 13-17) can request and employ a Cash Card.
Setting Up a Fresh Account
- You can create a new Cash App account for a friend or family member as long as you have their consent and details.
- You can set up the new account on your own device, but the other user must download the app to manage their Cash App account. Ensure to log out of your own account beforehand.
- Only one Cash App account is allowed per phone number or email, so if you already have one, you cannot use your information to create another account.
- Retrieve the code from the other person. You can also request a screenshot to confirm the codes match.
- If you wish to complete this later, tap SKIP.
- If the desired username is unavailable, you'll need to select an alternative or append numbers for uniqueness.
- Press Continue to synchronize your contact list.
- If you prefer not to sync the user's contacts or are utilizing your own device, select Skip to decline.
- Access the Cash Card section.
- Select Get Free Cash Card.
- Proceed by selecting Continue.
- Choose a design. Basic designs (black/white) are complimentary, while premium designs may incur fees.
- Input your details. Depending on your account, you may need to provide your date of birth and/or social security number.
- Press Continue. The Cash Card should arrive within 14 days.
Establishing a Sponsored Account
- A sponsored account grants your child access to specific features not available until they reach 18, such as a Cash Card, banking services, instant payments, and more. As their sponsor, you'll have visibility and control over their Cash Card activities.
- If you're not logged in, enter your phone number or email address and password now.
- Tap the Cash Card tab.
- Select Get Free Cash Card.
- Choose Continue.
- Pick a design. Basic designs (black/white) are free, while premium designs have a fee.
- On the sponsor's account, approve the request in Activity. Once approved, the Cash Card should arrive within 14 days.
- If you need to use the card before that time, you can always pay without the card.