Sometimes, you may find yourself needing to dispose of a faulty dryer or other appliances but lack the means to go to the dump or prefer not to incur dump fees. Giving away these items or tidying up your space can be a breeze by offering them for free on Craigslist.
Visit your local website.
Click on the 'Post to classifieds' option located at the top left corner.
Choose the category 'For Sale' and proceed.
Opt for 'Free Items'
Compose your post detailing the items you wish to give away.
Keep an eye on your email for the activation link to publish your post.
Avoid including your street address.
Expect an email or a call (if you've provided a phone number)
Let others handle the heavy lifting, not you.
Craigslist requires your email address so you can receive emails from people interested in your free items.
- Craigslist attracts a variety of individuals, including some with ill intentions, so stay vigilant.