7 Minutes in Heaven, a popular party game among teenagers, entails two individuals spending 7 minutes together in a secluded, dimly lit space. During this duration, participants have the liberty to engage in various activities of their choosing. While some opt for private conversations, others may explore more intimate interactions, such as kissing or making out. Regardless of the approach, it's crucial to uphold mutual respect and refrain from actions that compromise comfort boundaries.
Playing the Game
- Potential venues for the game encompass closets, bathrooms, or laundry rooms, among others.
- To ensure darkness, consider removing light bulbs from fixtures within the chosen space.
- Prioritize safety by eliminating potential hazards from the area, particularly in light-deprived settings.
- To prevent time monitoring, consider eliminating clocks, including those on cell phones and watches, from the gaming area.
- You might choose friends from school, your neighborhood, or fellow campmates if you're at camp.
- Selecting two individuals randomly.
- Directing the chosen pair to a private space for 7 minutes. Ensure the door is closed!
- Releasing the pair from the room after the allocated time.
- You might establish additional 'house rules,' such as lighting conditions or the exclusion of watches and cell phones from the room.
- To promote comfort, consider making participation voluntary for all players.
- To divide by gender, spin the bottle separately for boys and girls. The individuals indicated by the bottle in each group proceed to the room.
- If using a container, designate one for girls and one for boys. Each round, select one name from each container.
- Utilizing a timer with an attention-grabbing alert, such as a siren, enhances the game's ambiance and aids in time management.
- Once the timer expires, signal the end of the session by knocking on the door and informing the participants it's time to exit. Subsequently, select a new pair using the random selection method.
- A dramatic reveal at the conclusion of the 7 minutes can heighten anticipation. Consider swiftly opening the door as the timer reaches zero.
Respect Boundaries
- Consider stating, 'Let's start with talking only,' or 'I'm open to kissing, but let's take it slow.'
- To set firm limits, you might say, 'Kissing is fine, but I'm not comfortable with further physical contact.'
- For instance, if touched inappropriately, assertively state, 'I'm uncomfortable with that touch.'
- Although challenging, saying 'No' is crucial to maintaining personal boundaries. Never engage in activities that make you uncomfortable.
- Simply asking, 'May I hold your hand?' or 'Is it okay if I touch you like this?' takes only a moment.
Resisting Peer Pressure
- Ask yourself, 'What kind of person do I aspire to be? Would that person engage in this activity?' If the answer is no, it's best to refrain.
- You might convey, 'I enjoy our time together, but I'm not comfortable participating in this game.'
- 'I've been feeling under the weather lately and wouldn't want to risk anyone else's health.'
- 'I'm a bit embarrassed, but I have a minor mouth ulcer that's bothering me, so I'll pass on playing.'
- Consider selecting games known to be favored by others in the group for a higher chance of acceptance.
Keep the atmosphere light and enjoyable. The game should be fun, not embarrassing or inappropriate.
Encourage discussion about the 7-minute experience, or suggest that participants jot down their thoughts afterward.
Avoid pressuring the players after the 7 minutes. Give them space and time to process the experience.
- If you do agree to participate, keep it light when individuals exit the designated area. A bit of playful banter is acceptable, but then let it go! Avoid causing embarrassment or spreading rumors about other players.
- Avoid engaging in any behavior during the activity that might discomfort the other person. All actions should be consensual.
- Dimly lit space
- Timer (or smartphone)