As you are aware, Viettel offers numerous quality and useful services to users. Particularly, Viettel's 3G service, with a majority of subscribers opting for 3G Viettel subscriptions, dominates compared to other networks, owing to its speed and various factors.
However, the advertising text message service can sometimes disrupt users, even causing annoyance. Subscribers can block this service using basic SMS commands, including:
Compose a message with TC and send it to 199
Additionally, subscribers can compose a message using the syntax TC3 and send it to 191 to opt out of receiving introductions to Viettel's new services and products.
Note: This message is only effective for 180 days. After that period, to continue blocking the service, you need to compose the message as mentioned earlier.
By sending messages with this content, subscribers successfully block advertising messages from Viettel. If you're experiencing similar issues with VinaPhone and want to block VinaPhone advertising messages, you can follow the method outlined by Mytour.