How to Reconfigure a Lux Thermostat


Frequently Asked Questions


How do I reset the Lux 500 thermostat for proper scheduling?

To reset the Lux 500 thermostat, access the unit and use a paperclip to press the 'reset' button. This will allow you to reconfigure the schedule and time settings as needed.

What temperatures should I set for weekday heating schedules?

For weekdays, the default heating temperatures are set to 70ºF at 6 AM, 60ºF at 8:30 AM, 70ºF at 3 PM, and 65ºF at 11 PM. Adjust these according to your comfort preferences.

Are the setup instructions the same for all thermostat models?

No, while the basic principles are similar across models like Lux 500, Smart Temp 9000, TX1500, and Lux HP2110, there may be slight variations in the setup process for each model.