Although not as popular as Messenger or WhatsApp, Telegram still appeals to a wide range of users, especially companies and businesses, thanks to its excellent security mechanisms. Especially when registering for Telegram Premium, you'll get to use advanced features not found in any other chat tool today. So, sign up for Telegram and create a Telegram account as soon as possible.
How to Register on Telegram and Create a Telegram Account on Your Phone
1. Guide to Registering on Telegram and Creating a Telegram Account
Step 1: Download and install the latest version of Telegram.
- Download
- Get Telegram for iPhone
Step 2: Open Telegram, select Start Messaging => Choose country => Enter Phone Number to register on Telegram.
How to Register on Telegram on Phone
Step 3: Press Yes to confirm the phone number you entered is correct. At this point, Telegram will send a verification code to your phone number to create a Telegram account.
Step 4: Enter the verification code Telegram sent to your phone number.
Step 5: Set username => Choose profile picture to complete the Telegram registration process
Step 6: Now you will be taken to the main interface of Telegram and can start using Telegram on your phone to message, call your friends.
- Telegram now also supports a Web version for users who don't want to download and install Telegram but still want to use Telegram for messaging, calling. You just need to access the Telegram web registration link, then log in to Telegram Web on the browser with the account you just registered to use.
2. Benefits of Registering on Telegram
- Chat, message with end-to-end encryption and privacy mode.
- Allowed to edit sent messages.
- Can set self-destructing messages after a certain period of time.
- Supports large group chats, up to 200,000 users per group.
- Supports sending attachments up to 2GB in size.
- Utilizes cloud services to store messages, photos, videos, and documents.
Registering on Telegram, creating a Telegram account brings usefulness, but there is still a small drawback: it doesn't support the Vietnamese language in its language settings, and you can't Register on Telegram on a computer. Also, currently, users can't create a Telegram account using Gmail, nor is there a way to register on Telegram without a phone number & no way to register on Telegram on a computer. You can change the language by installing Vietnamese for Telegram following Mytour's guide, communicating with Telegram's tools and features is just a simple matter.