How to Reveal Rulers in Word 2013, 2016 – Unveiling the Rule Bar in Word 2013, 2016


Frequently Asked Questions


What are the steps to display rulers in Word 2016?

To display rulers in Word 2016, go to the View tab and check the box next to Ruler under the Show section. This will reveal both horizontal and vertical rulers.

How can I hide the rulers in my Word document?

To hide the rulers in your Word document, navigate to the View tab and uncheck the box next to Ruler. This will remove the rulers from your view.

Is there a keyboard shortcut to show the ruler in Word?

Yes, you can use the keyboard shortcut Alt + W to open the View tab, then press R to quickly display the ruler in your Word document.

What should I do if the vertical ruler still doesn't appear?

If the vertical ruler doesn’t appear, go to File -> Options, select the Advanced tab, and check the box for Show vertical ruler in Print Layout view, then press OK.