Saving contacts to SIM on Samsung Galaxy A5, A7, or A8 allows users to search and use contacts saved on the SIM before using the device. Copying contacts from SIM to phone is essential for those who frequently communicate via phone.
In previous articles, has provided guidance on copying contacts from SIM to device in general, including copying iPhone contacts. Now, will provide detailed instructions on how to copy and save contacts from SIM to Samsung Galaxy A7, A5, or A8.
How to Save Contacts from SIM to Samsung Galaxy A7, A5, A8
Step 1: Access the contacts. Here, we select the function with the 3-dot icon as shown in the image.
Step 2: Choose the Settings section, then select Contacts.
Step 3: Select Import/Export contacts and choose Copy from SIM card (Select the SIM card you want to copy contacts to the device)
Step 4: Choose to save to the device, and select the contacts to copy to the device then press done.
Step 5: Immediately after that, the device will automatically save contacts from the SIM card to the device, the process is complete, and the screen will notify Contacts have been copied
So we have successfully copied contacts from the SIM card to Samsung Galaxy A7, A5, or Samsung Galaxy A8 quickly. In addition, we can also copy contacts from the phone to the SIM card, through the article guide copy contacts from phone to SIM card on Android phone to avoid cases where contacts are only saved on the device, or share contacts via Bluetooth with the guide share contacts via Bluetooth on Android.