Expert Guide on Communicating with the Deceased
Important Insights
Key Steps
Summoning Ghosts: Step-by-Step Guide
Seeking Out the Ghost

Use a Ouija board for traditional communication. The Ouija board is a classic method for connecting with spirits, requiring only the board and planchette. Participants touch the planchette lightly to allow spirits to spell out messages.

Record EVP signals and take EMF readings. Utilize electronic recording devices and EMF readers to capture ghostly activity that may not be audible to the human ear.

Place mirrors to potentially witness ghostly apparitions. Mirrors have long been associated with ghost sightings, particularly in dim lighting conditions.

Use candles or incense to facilitate communication with spirits. Light candles or incense to create smoke, believed by some to be a medium for ghosts to convey messages or reveal their presence.

Set up interactive objects to entice the ghost into playful interaction. You're familiar with the classic scenario of ghosts moving things around, right? Well, many spirits enjoy engaging with physical objects, so leave some lightweight items in the area where you suspect the ghost hangs out. Think along the lines of toy cars, tennis balls, empty soda cans, dice, and delicate pieces of cloth – these are all favorites among the supernatural crowd.
Engage in Communication with the Ghost

Prepare yourself and set your intentions. The term 'séance' originates from the French word meaning 'to sit,' so find a comfortable spot on the floor or at a table. Remind yourself that both you and the ghost are safe, and that you're about to establish a connection. You can also recite affirmations or mantras to signal your readiness, ensuring everyone present is aware.

Invite the ghost to manifest its presence. Your initial aim is to confirm the ghost's proximity. Many believe the simplest method is to directly request the ghost to reveal itself. Maintain a calm tone and speak respectfully. Ask the ghost to perform an action indicating its interest in interaction. For example, you might say: “If there are any spirits among us, please make your presence known. Any audible noise, sound, or movement is welcomed. You're in a safe space.”

Pose questions to the ghost to gain insights. Once you sense the ghost's presence, inquire further to understand its motives, purpose, and nature. Don't be discouraged if there's no immediate response; persistence is key. You could inquire: “Are you a benevolent spirit? If so, could you demonstrate it now?” “What led you here? Did you reside in this dwelling previously?” “If there's any object here that resonates with you, please move it. We won't disturb what's important to you.”

Observe and be receptive to any signals the ghost sends your way. According to most mediums and experts, ghosts exhibit a range of behaviors, just like people. Some spirits may immediately engage with their surroundings upon feeling safe, while others might remain hidden until they're sure it's safe to interact. Pay attention to any indications of the ghost's presence and factor them into your approach.
Concluding the Ritual

Express gratitude to the ghost and offer a token of appreciation. Prior to concluding the summoning, express your gratitude to the ghost for listening or conversing with you, even if there were no visible actions. Additionally, consider leaving an offering as a gesture of goodwill. Traditionally, spirits are said to appreciate sweets, so leaving something sugary like candy, soda, cookies, or ice cream is a thoughtful choice.

Request that the ghost departs or extends an invitation for them to stay. If you prefer the ghost to leave, politely ask them to find another place. Conversely, if you're comfortable with the ghost remaining, convey your happiness about their presence and mention your intention to reconnect in the near future.

Purify the space using sage and bid farewell. To formally conclude the encounter or cleanse the space of any lingering energy, consider performing a sage smudging ritual. Light a sage stick and move around the room, purifying it of negative energies. As you complete the ritual, bid farewell to the ghost.

Use salt as a barrier to deter the spirit if you're feeling particularly frightened. If you absolutely do not want a ghost lingering around, grab some salt. While Himalayan rock salt is often recommended, any type of salt will suffice. Create a line of salt around areas where you wish to keep the ghost out. It's believed that ghosts cannot cross salt lines, providing you with a sense of security.