How to Uninstall Skype on Windows 7, 10, 11 Computers
1. Uninstalling Skype on a Computer Using Control Panel.
2. Uninstall Skype for Windows 10 from Control Panel.
3. Uninstalling Skype for Business on a Computer.
1. Uninstalling Skype on a Computer Using Control Panel
Step 1: Go to Control Panel, select 'Programs', then choose 'Programs and Features'
Step 2: The screen displays all installed software on the computer. Scroll to find Skype, then right-click and select 'Uninstall'.
Alternatively, you can also refer to how to delete Skype messages on your computer here to remove unwanted messages.
- Additional Information: Deleting Skype Messages on Computer
2. Uninstall Skype for Windows 10 from Control Panel
You can also uninstall Skype through the control panel on the windows window. However, first, you need to exit the Skype window you are using.
Step 1: Press the windows + R key combination on the computer keyboard.
Step 2: Enter appwiz.cpl into the dialog box and press 'OK'.
Step 3: Find Skype in the list of displayed software, right-click on the 'Skype' software, and select 'Uninstall' to delete or uninstall.
3. Uninstall Skype for Business on a Computer
Skype for business, a cornerstone of Microsoft's Office 365 suite, facilitates seamless enterprise communication. Despite its numerous benefits, it exhibits certain drawbacks such as high RAM consumption or automatic startup upon boot. If you're currently utilizing Skype for business and wish to uninstall it, below are the steps you can follow.
Note: The uninstallation instructions for Skype for Business outlined below are based on the Office 365 package installation. For standalone Skype for Business versions, you can easily uninstall following the instructions in method 1.
Step 1: Disable Skype for Business' automatic startup feature.
Within the Skype for Business interface, navigate to the settings icon, select 'tools', and then choose 'options'.
In the Skype for Business options screen, select 'Personal', then uncheck the boxes next to 'Automatically start the app when I log on to Windows' and 'Start the app in the foreground'. Afterwards, click 'OK' to finalize the setup process.
Returning to the Skype for Business workspace, click on 'file', then select 'exit'. At this point, Skype for Business will no longer start automatically when you access Windows as before.
Step 2: Perform the steps to uninstall Skype for Business on your computer similar to the instructions in method 1.
Note: The uninstallation instructions for Skype for Business provided here are based on the standalone Skype for Business installation. If you're using Skype for Business bundled with Microsoft Office 365, you cannot remove it from your computer without uninstalling the remaining Office suite components.
In addition to the aforementioned methods of uninstalling Skype on your computer, you can also remove Skype using dedicated uninstaller software such as Your Uninstaller, CCleaner, Revo Uninstaller, Geek Uninstaller, etc. However, this method of uninstalling Skype is quite complex as it requires downloading and using third-party software. Mytour will only provide recommendations without providing detailed step-by-step instructions.
Above, Mytour has shared with you 3 simple and quick methods to uninstall Skype for Business on your computer. Refer to and apply these methods to uninstall Skype and resolve any personal issues you encounter while using this software! If you're using Skype on your phone and want to uninstall it, you can also refer to how to uninstall Skype on your phone here.
- See also: Uninstalling Skype on your phone
After uninstalling Skype, if you need to reinstall it, you can refer to how to install Skype, chat, and make free phone calls in this article to understand the steps you need to take.