Everything You Need to Know About Garena Total
Utilizing Garena Total on Your PC
If you're unaware of how to download and install the latest version of Garena Total, refer to the guide on installing Garena Total here.
Utilizing the Latest Version of Garena Total
In Garena Total, you'll encounter features such as Auto Join, Auto Tunnel, Warcraft Hotkey, Quick Chat, and Auto Run.
1. Auto Tunnel: This feature automatically and continuously attempts to enter game rooms, making it easier and more convenient for you to join game rooms.
- Joining a single room: Double-click on that room.
- Joining multiple rooms: Hover over the first room and press F7, then hover over the second room and press F7.
- Stop joining rooms: Press Esc.
2. Auto Tunnel: Helps you find optimal connections to other players in the room quickly and automatically. After tunneling, you can see everyone's host and everyone can see your host.
- Tunnel entire room: Click F6
- Tunnel within your host: Press Shift + F6
3. WarCraft Hotkey: This feature allows you to set shortcut keys to make playing WarCraft easier. Enable/disable using the key combination Ctrl + F5
4. Quick Chat: Send messages to other players quickly using shortcuts
5: Auto Run: Configure programs to run alongside Garena Total
Functional Button Bar
You'll find functional buttons like Run Garena, Minimize, Options, Information
- Run Garena: Launches the Garena Plus tool.
- Minimize: Minimizes Garena Total to the system tray.
- Options: Configure options for Garena Total such as running it on startup, updating to beta versions, and auto-running Garena.
- Information: Provides details about the Garena Total application
With this guide on how to use Garena Total, you'll find it easier to utilize this useful tool to play Empire or League of Legends on Garena. Wishing you success