Learning a phrase or two of a foreign language can bring both enjoyment and practical benefits. If you're anticipating the birthday of a Polish friend, consider surprising them with a heartfelt 'Happy Birthday!' in their native tongue.
Simple Steps
Listen Closely
Don't fret over spelling or appearance. You're not mastering the entire language; focus on mimicking the pronunciation instead.
Here's a demonstration. Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin
- Now, erase that from your memory.
Here's the pronunciation guide. Fshistkiego-nailep-shego-zokahzee uhrojeen
- The ai
- Pause slightly before the last phrase. Rapidly connect the first four, then pause briefly before enunciating the last one.
- Continue practicing until you've committed it to memory.
For a helpful audio clip, visit The Polski Blog.
Opt for the simpler option
Try Sto lat instead. Pronounced Sto-Lat (with a short 'o'), this translates to one hundred years and serves as a straightforward birthday greeting on its own.
- Sto-Lat!
- That's quite straightforward.
Helpful Pointers
Necessary Supplies
- A Polish acquaintance
- A birthday cake