While Hue is renowned for the Citadel, mausoleums, and the picturesque Perfume River in Ben Ngu, it also holds cultural significance with Thuy Xuan Incense Village.
Situated approximately 7 km southwest of Hue's city center, right on Huyen Tran Cong Chua street, Thuy Xuan Incense Village is conveniently located for tourists exploring the famous tourist sites of Vong Canh hill and Tu Tomb in the ancient capital.
Experience the vivid colors of Thuy Xuan Incense Village. Photo: Bui Huy Khang.
Upon arriving at the entrance of Thuy Xuan village, even before witnessing the vibrant incense bouquets, visitors from around the world are greeted by a subtle fragrance. Once the first incense bouquets come into view, you'll undoubtedly be enchanted by the colorful flower arrangements. If you have a penchant for photography, you won't be able to resist capturing the enchanting moments in Thuy Xuan village.
Capture the tranquility in the village of incense. Photo: @dangq.hieu.
Thuy Xuan claims its status as the largest incense village in the ancient capital, with a tradition spanning hundreds of years. For the locals, incense making is not just a profession; it's an intrinsic part of their heritage. Setting itself apart, Thuy Xuan offers a captivating array of incense bouquets in green, red, purple, and yellow hues, unlike other villages with traditional red incense bouquets.
Immerse yourself in the captivating visuals. Photo: @nofoodphobia.
In addition to the vibrant incense bouquets, Thuy Xuan Incense Village is renowned for its serene village ambiance, nestled at the foot of Vong Canh hill and alongside the romantic Perfume River. Mentioning Thuy Xuan evokes a sense of peace for visitors exploring this land.
Capture the tranquility. Photo: @liu_kimm_148.
In recent years, tourists exploring Hue and its landmarks, such as Tu Duc Tomb and Vong Canh Hill, have been irresistibly drawn to Thuy Xuan Incense Village. Despite lacking professional tourism training, the sincerity and hospitality of the Thuy Xuan locals are gradually establishing this village as a favored destination in the ancient capital.
Experience the charm. Photo: @lienlocoseyo.
Explore Xuan Thuy Incense Village, where the experience goes beyond admiring and photographing colorful incense bouquets. Dive into the art of crafting handmade incense sticks or delve deeper into this unique traditional craft. Catering to tourism services, Thuy Xuan Incense Village seamlessly blends traditional incense making with the sale of distinctive souvenirs, including brocades and oil paintings.
Embrace the artistry. Photo: @corinabethanyrose.
Capture the moments. Photo: @checkinhue.
For those drawn to the genuine and gentle essence of Hue's people, seeking a tourist destination with both scenic beauty and cultural significance, Thuy Xuan Incense Village stands as an ideal choice. A must-visit destination when in Hue.
Posted by: Ngọc Hân
Keywords: Discovering Tranquility and Vibrancy in Thuy Xuan Incense Village, Hue