Malay stands out as one of the most accessible Asian languages to delve into - it lacks complexities such as plurals, conjunctions, or verb tenses! Whether you're a novice aiming to expand your vocabulary for amusement or seeking a comprehensive initiation into the language, this article serves as an excellent primer, covering essential words, greetings, and phrases. With consistent practice, you'll soon converse like a local!
Master the essential vocabulary
- dog: anjing
- Yes: Ya
- No: Tidak
- Thank you: Terima kasih (Accept my thanks)
- Please: Sila
- And: Dan
- Cat: kucing
- Mouse: tikus
Master Greeting Phrases.
- Good morning: Selamat pagi
- Good Afternoon: Selamat tengah hari
- Good Evening: Selamat petang
- Good Night: Selamat malam
- Goodbye: Selamat tinggal (Farewell)
- Hello: Hello
Acquaint Yourself with Common Questions and Answers.
- How are you?: Apa khabar? (What news?)
- I am okay: Saya baik (I'm good)
- I am not okay: Saya kurang baik (I'm not so good)
- I am ill: Saya sakit
- I am okay: Saya baik (I'm good)
- Where are you?: Di manakah kamu?
- I am at ___: Saya di ___
- Where do you live?: Di manakah kamu tinggal?
- I live in ___: Saya tinggal di ___
- How old are you?: Berapakah umur kamu? (How much is your age?)
- My age is ___years old: Umur saya ___ tahun
- What is your name?: Siapakah nama kamu?
- My name is ___: Nama saya ___
- Where are you going?: Ke manakah kamu hendak pergi? (Where do you want to go?)
- I'm going to ___: Saya hendak pergi ke ___ (I want to go to)
- When will you return?: Bilakah kamu akan kembali ke sini? (When will you come back here?)
- I will return (in the morning / in the afternoon / this evening / tonight):
Saya akan kembali (this morning / this afternoon / this evening / tonight).
- I will return (in the morning / in the afternoon / this evening / tonight):
- What is your job?: Apakah pekerjaan kamu? (What's your occupation?)
- My job is a ___: Pekerjaan saya ialah seorang ___
- Have you arrived there yet?: Kamu sudah tiba di sana?
- I am going: Saya akan pergi
- What?: Apa?
- How many?: Berapa?
- How many siblings have you got?: Berapakah adik-beradik yang kamu ada?
- I have ___ sibling(s): Saya ada ___ adik-beradik (see below)
- Have you got children?: Kamu ada anak? (informal)
- How are you doing?: Bagaimana dengan keadaan kamu? (How's it going?)
- Fine thanks, and you?: Khabar baik, kamu? (I'm good, you?)
- Do you understand what I mean?: Adakah kamu faham apa yang saya maksudkan?
Discover Appropriate Terms of Address.
- You: Engkau (informal) / Kamu/Awak (formal)
- I: Aku (informal) / Saya (formal)
- My/Mine: Milik aku (informal) / Milik saya (formal) [Assuming that the word after is a noun]
- Mum: Ibu / Emak / Ummi
- Dad: Bapa / Ayah
- Elder sister: Kakak
- Elder brother: Abang
- Younger sister or brother: Adik
- Uncle: Pak cik
- Auntie: Mak cik
- Girl: Perempuan
- Boy: Lelaki
- Woman: Wanita
- Man: Jejaka/Lelaki
- Teacher: Guru (Occupation) Cikgu (Calling)
- Miss: Cik
- Mrs.: Puan
- Mr.: Encik
Explore Names of Various Foods.
- I want to eat ___: Saya hendak makan ___
- Rice: Nasi
- Tea: Teh
- Coffee: Kopi
- Water: Air
- Soup: Sup
Acquire Knowledge of Other Essential Terms.
- Car: Kereta
- Life: Hidup
- Country: Negara
- State: Negeri
- City: Bandar
- Village: Kampung
- House: Rumah
- Nation: Rakyat/Masyarakat
- Tribe: Puak
- Toddler: Kanak-kanak/Budak
- Teenager: Remaja
- Adult: Dewasa
- Daughter: Anak perempuan
- Son: Anak lelaki
- Clothes: Baju
- Shirt: Kemeja
- Pants: Seluar
- Day: Hari
- Kiss: Cium
Explore Expressions.
- You are beautiful: Kamu cantik
- I am going: Saya hendak pergi
- Do not go: Jangan pergi
- I swear to God: Saya bersumpah kepada Tuhan
- For example: Sebagai contoh
- Good luck: Semoga berjaya (Wishing success)
- You are a very nice child: Kamu budak baik
- I love you: Saya cinta kamu
- Life is nice: Hidup ini indah
Discover Descriptive Words.
- Together: Bersama-sama
- In: Masuk
- Above (on): Atas
- Below (under): Bawah
- Beside: Sebelah
- Back: Belakang (Direction/Anatomy), Balik/Pulang (Return)
- Go: Pergi
- Nice: Baik
- Many: Banyak
- Very: Amat
- Pain: Sakit
Learn Naming Body Parts.
- Head: Kepala
- Neck: Leher
- Eye / eyes: Mata
- Nose: Hidung
- Mouth: Mulut
- Eyebrow: Kening
- Ear / ears: Telinga
- Hair: Rambut
- Cheek: Pipi
- Hand: Tangan
- Shoulder: Bahu
- Chest: Dada
- Breast: Buah dada/payudara
- Stomach: Perut
- Umbilicus/Navel/Bellybutton: Lubang pusat '(Hole middle)'
- Foot / feet / lower limb: Kaki
- Fingers: Jari
- Toes: Jari kaki
Learn Counting.
- 1: satu
- 2: dua
- 3: tiga
- 4: empat
- 5: lima
- 6: enam
- 7: tujuh
- 8: lapan
- 9: sembilan
- 10: sepuluh*
- 11: sebelas*
- 12: dua belas
- 13: tiga belas
- 14: empat belas
- 20: dua puluh
- 21: dua puluh satu
- 30: tiga puluh
- 40: empat puluh
- 100: seratus*
- 101: seratus satu*
- 1000: seribu *
- 10000: sepuluh ratus (ten thousand)
- 100000: seratus ribu (one hundred thousand)
- 1000000: sejuta (one million)
* The 'se' at the front is shortened from 'satu' (one)
Try to find some correct pronunciations in each word.
A lot of the pronunciations are pretty straightforward.